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Ever since I woke up, Adrienne has been acting like a mama bear caring for her kids. I understand that she's worried about me, but I'm better now. My ribs are still a bit sore, and tender, but they'll heal eventually.

I had to spend the week at the hospital, even though I was supposed to be discharged two days ago, but Adrienne insisted that I stayed in the hospital just to be sure that everything is really okay. I'm just glad to be at home because I really hate hospitals.

A lot of terrible things in my life happened in hospitals so I grew to hate that place. The only good thing that happened in that place was the birth of the twins, but even that day wasn't an all happy day considering that they almost died at birth. No one knows this, even mom didn't know about it because she fainted right after Maïra came out, and I never had the courage to tell her. I knew that she would blame herself for it even though it wasn't her fault. The pregnancy was already risky, and the stress didn't help at all. Adding to all her problems, she was also depressed, and heartbroken. During those few months of pregnancy, she almost miscarried many times, and we had a lot of trips to the hospital because of complications during her pregnancy so the hospital can't be considered a happy place for me.

"Val! Have you taken your medicine?" Mira snaps me out of my thoughts.

"I took them earlier. Don't worry!" I tell her for the 5th time. Because of what happened, the twins are more overprotective of me. The moment I move a finger, they worry as if I will break a bone. It's just been a few hours since I've been at home, and they haven't allowed me to do anything. I'm only allowed to stay on the couch, and watch TV, but I can't allow myself to relax that much because I know that this incident traumatized them.

I'm the one that's supposed to protect them, not the other way around, and I know that if I don't ease their worry, they won't even allow me to go to work next week. I called my boss last night to tell him what happened, and let's just say that he wasn't happy with the situation. He's not like those crappy bosses who doesn't even care about the health of their employees, but he wasn't happy about the situation because he was short-staffed, and needed me for an event that happened earlier this week.

He told me to take a few days off to take care of myself, and in exchange, when I will start work again, I will have to work overtime for some time before going back to my normal schedule.

The doorbell rings, and Mira goes open the door to welcome Adrienne. She's probably here to deliver our dinner.

"Good evening, Adrienne," I greet her.

"Hi, Valeria! Have you taken your medicine?"

"I did," I answer in exasperation. How many times will people ask me this question?

"That's good. I brought your dinner, and make sure you eat everything," She says as she takes the food out of her bag.

The evening passes by as we eat dinner, and Adrienne helps the twins get ready to go to bed since I'm not allowed to move from this couch.

"Goodnight, Val!" Mira hugs me, but makes sure not to touch my ribs. I kiss her forehead, and wish her goodnight.

"Goodnight, Val, and make sure to go to bed early so that you can get some rest," Maïra instructs me before kissing my cheek while I nod at her.

"Goodnight, Maïra!" I wish her as I kiss her forehead, and they go to their bedrooms waiting for Adrienne to tuck them in.

The next few days are just the same, the twins worrying about my every movement, them making sure that I take my meds, and Adrienne coming here everyday to bring food, and helping the twins take care of me. Today is Saturday, and I want to go out. I've been staying at home too much, so I need to get out, and breathe some fresh air.

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