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As we enter Alison's room, the smell of antibiotics, and bleach instantly overwhelms me, and my stomach twists. May be I should have refused to come, but I know I have to talk to Alison. I take a deep breath to calm down the nausea, and lift my head to look at Alison. She's laying in bed, her face is pale making her bruises more prominent, there's a bandage wrapped around her head, her lips are dry and cracked, and her thin body is even more noticeable in the huge hospital gown.

She's staring at the wall seemlessly, and her eyes hold no life. It's as if for her, life holds no importance, as if this world exists just for the sake of existence. She has no more expectations in this life, she just wishes to fade away, to leave nothing behind, and vanish into oblivion; exactly how I used to wish it too.

A single tear trails down my cheek, and I wipe it before Mr. Xaiden can notice it. It's not time to dive into painful memories, I have a goal, and I'm here to accomplish it, not to cry.

Clearing my throat, I try to get her attention, "Hi, Alison."

Her dead eyes turns to me, and a shiver runs through me. I painfully swallow my sorrow, and concentrate on what's at hand.

"Who are you?" She asks, her voice barely a whisper.

"I'm Xaiden, and this is Miss Valeria," Mr. Xaiden answers.

"What do you want?"

Mr. Xaiden approaches her, and when I see the fear in her eyes, I grab his arm to stop him. He looks at me, and I shake my head, indicating for him not to go closer.

"We'd like to ask you a few questions about what happened to you, and we would also like to ask you a favor," I answer softly. I really hope that she will talk to us.

"I want him to go out. I don't want him here," she cries suddenly, her eyes fixed on Mr. Xaiden. It's clear that Mr. Xaiden scares her.

"Mr. Xaiden, can you leave for a few minutes?" I ask, and though I can see that he doesn't want to, he understands that he needs to, and quietly leaves the room.

"He's gone now so please don't cry," I pour her some water, and hand the glass to her. She slowly sits up, and carefully drinks the water.

"Can we talk now?" I ask, and she nods slowly.

"How did you meet Mark McGregor?"

At the simple mention of his name, she flinches, and her lips quivers, but she whispers, "I met him at a night club 4 months ago."

"Then what happened?"

"We started talking, and he said he was impressed by me. He offered me a job in his company, and I instantly agreed. I started working for him, and at first, I was happy then things started to get weird."

When she says that, curiosity grabs me, "What do you mean?"

"Mr. McGregor started making comments about me, he would compliment my body, and would touch me whenever he wanted," her eyes turns red, and she seems to be in a daze, but she continues talking, "There were times he would look at me lustfully, and other times, he would try to kiss me, but I always refused his advances. When the people in the company noticed it, my colleagues accused me of being his mistress. They thought I was seducing him but I wasn't. I tried to explain, but I got shamed instead."

This situation is way too familiar, but I continue to listen.

"Then 2 months ago, he confessed to me, and told me that he wanted us to get married, but I refused. He's more than half my age, and I would never date a married man, but he tried to force himself on me," tears gather in her eyes, and she sniffles, not letting them fall.

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