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Grief is like poison. On the first day, it hurts the most, but as time passes, you get used to it and become immune to its effect. You become immune to its pain, but there are still some days where you just can't avoid the pain. The best part about grief is how your love for that person increases even more after they're dead. You crave their presence in your life, but knowing that they're never coming back is one of the most cruel injustices in this world.

Today, it's Carter's funeral. Since it's late autumn, the sunny days are now gone, the leaves have all dried up, and most trees are now dead. They're just waiting for spring to bring its magic of rebirth and life. The sky is very dark even though it's still afternoon, and the wind is quite harsh today, as if nature is angry about the death of such a good man.

We're all gathered in front of Carter's grave, which includes Mr. Damon (obviously because it's his brother who is dead), Xaiden, Dominic, Alison, all of Xaiden's men, and me. The twins are currently at the penthouse, spending the day with Sylvera.

On Carter's grave, it's written:

Carter Perez

Honorable brother, friend, and companion

July 1999-October 2024

Your sacrifice will never be forgotten.

His grave has been carved out of exquisite granite, and the words written on it resonate within all of us as we acknowledge his brave actions. He may not have been a soldier dying while saving his country, but dying to protect someone is still an honorable achievement that not everyone is willing to do. What makes me sad about this whole ordeal is how he died so young. He still had a whole life in front of him; he could have fallen in love, made dreams come true, and realized so many other things, but it all went down the drain because of one person. It's all because of William.

I wish it was easy to remove him from our lives, but life doesn't work that way. Humans are meant to be in difficulties, to suffer before having the chance at a happy ending. But even happy endings don't exist.

Mr. Damon walks towards Carter's grave and places a bouquet of roses on it. Apparently, roses were Carter's favorite flowers, and from what I heard from Xaiden, Carter always said that he wanted roses on his grave when he would die. Who knew that his wish would become a reality so soon?

Xaiden walks to the front and faces everyone. With a somber look in his eyes, he says, "Today, we have to say goodbye to a brother, friend, and companion. We all know Carter for his generosity and brave heart. I wasn't really close to him before, and I do regret not getting to know him better when he was still alive, but it's too late now. From the small moments I spent with him, I always admired his positivity. I remember one day, I was having a really bad day, and I was stressed, but he told me, and I quote, 'Today may have been hard, but tomorrow is always easier because it's a sad day and not a sad life.' Those words made my day, and the next day, it truly felt easier."

He turns towards Carter's grave. "Carter, I want to thank you for being such an amazing and positive person. Thank you for your sacrifice and for fighting by my side so bravely. I'm sorry that I couldn't do more to protect you, but all of us here will always remember you. Your memories will live with us forever. Rest well, Carter."

After a few prayers, the casket is lowered 6 feet underground. Seeing this happen makes me think of Mom's funeral. It was exactly like this. It was a cold day; the sky was dark and cloudy. The wind was blowing hard, and there were barely anyone in the cemetery. There was just me, the twins, and a few of Mom's colleagues. Mom didn't have any relatives apart from us, which made that day even sadder. I'm just glad that Carter is surrounded by so many people who wish him peace and happiness on his way to heaven. 

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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