6. water it down

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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Nancy apparently had this whole scheme planned out to the last minute. She pulled out a battered yellow business card from her purse.

"What's that?" Gina asks while squinting her eyes, trying to read the small faded letters.

"A journalist, Murray Bauman," Nancy responds, twirling the card in her hand. "He'll get the story out for us. Show everyone what the lab is doing to people."

Gina tries not to make a face. "You're putting a lot of trust into a stranger."

Nancy shoots Gina a stare. "It's our last resort. We can't do it ourselves."

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ After hours of driving, the sun has set and Jonathan finally pulls into a motel off the highway.

Gina walks into the lobby and is greeted by the smell of cigarettes and crackly music playing over the radio.

Nancy walks up next to her, looking at the receptionist in front of them paying them no mind.

Slowly, Gina reaches towards the service bell and rings it. The woman slowly turns her head towards the three, but only stares them down.

"We'd like, uh, a room," Nancy says, her voice sounding unsure.

"We got those," the woman responds, "you want a single...or a double." She gives a brief nod to Nancy and Jonathan.

Nancy and Jonathan immediately take a step away from each other, both quickly saying, "double,"

The woman hands them the keys, Nancy pays, and they head off to the room for some much needed sleep.

The second Gina unlocks the door and hits the bed, she's already asleep, leaving Nancy and Jonathan to figure out where they're going to sleep.

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Gina wakes up to the feeling of someone pushing her. "What?" she groans, groggily opening her eyes.

"Get up," Nancy says, pushing Gina again.

Gina rolls over, pressing her face deeper into the pillow. "It's too early."

"It's afternoon."


Nancy doesn't take no for an answer and pushes Gina again, finally fully waking her up.

It feels like Nancy practically dragged Gina into the car, making Gina wonder what time she woke up.

They drive for a few hours, finally pulling in to what looks like an abandoned house, all rusted and falling apart.

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