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A few days later, I marched right up to George as he sat in the courtyard with his brother, Lee Jordan, Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet. I had no idea what the hell I was doing, but I needed to talk to George and when I saw him just now, I couldn't postpone it any longer.

They all looked up at my fast approach. One corner of George's lips turned upwards into a smirk, almost as if he knew what I was here to do.

"I need to speak to you." I said, staring at him. Only him. "Right now."

"Right now?" he teased. "What about?"

"Now, Weasley." I said through gritted teeth before spinning around and walking to the corner of the courtyard, stepping behind a wall. A second later, George joined me.

"What's up, Nightingale?" he asked, mimicking my use of his last name. "What's so important you had to rip me away from my friends? Did you finally realise that you secretly love me?"

"Ha!" I laughed, folding my arms over my chest. "No, but I realised that you may have a crush on me, no matter how pathetic that is."

His smirk only grew. "You sure think highly of yourself, Nightingale. Why do you assume that I fancy you?"

"I'm not assuming. I was told that you do. Fancy me, I mean. Which, by the way is completely unacceptable."

"And why is that?" he asked, frowning mockingly at me. He stepped closer and I stepped back but my back hit the wall. "Would it be so terrible if I really did fancy you?"

"Y-Yes." I croaked.


I didn't know what to say. Why would it be so terrible? Because that meant he wanted to get close to me? I mean, I couldn't have that. And if I admitted to myself that I liked the chase, that I liked the way we pissed each other off, then what would happen? I couldn't ever let this guy in. He was all about the jokes and the pranks, and I was as cold as ice. At least, that was the front I'd put up.

"Why is it so terrible, Aurora?" he asked again, and the sound of my name coming from his lips, did something to me. My knees buckled slightly but I managed to stay on my feet. I didn't know why I was reacting like this so suddenly. Why I was feeling... things.

Merlin, I needed to get away from him.

"Just... get over it and stay away from me, okay?" I said before pushing past him. This time, he grabbed my arm, gently pulling me back until my body bumped into his.

"You're absolutely beautiful when you're cross with me."

And with that, he let me go, watching me walk away, and it was not like I was slow or anything. I hurried inside and out of his line of sight.

I walked all the way back to the common room where Finn was still seated, trying to read that book all over again.

"Seriously, would you stop?!" I snapped, snatching the book from his hands and throwing it across the room which honestly hurt a little. I used to love books, and here I was, treating it like it was trash. "You don't even like the damn book."

"Alright alright." he laughed, getting comfy. "So? How did it go?"

"He called me beautiful." I huffed, dropping down next to him.

A wide smile spread across his face, and I glared right back at him.

"Awe." he said, pressing a hand to his heart. "He's a romantic."

"Shut up." I grabbed a pillow from the sofa and hit him right in the face, and damn it felt good.

Sometimes it was hard to look at Finn. He looked so much like his dad. He had the same face of the guy who had been tormenting me for years, and yet I couldn't do anything but love Finn. He was my best friend, and while I sometimes resented him for his father's choices, I still loved him to death.

Embers of the Heart ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now