Nine - 2.0

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It was a dark, foreboding evening when everything changed. The air was thick with tension, and the oppressive clouds overhead mirrored the unease settling in our hearts. The news had come suddenly, sending shock waves through the Order. Voldemort had discovered that Ron was with Harry, and that meant the Weasley family was in immediate danger.

George and I had just put Freya to bed when the urgent message arrived via a Patronus. It was Kingsley's voice, calm but urgent. "The Burrow is compromised. You need to leave immediately."

George's eyes met mine, a mixture of fear and determination in his gaze. "We need to pack. Now."

We moved swiftly, gathering essentials and packing bags with trembling hands. Freya, sensing the tension, stirred in her crib and began to cry. I hurried to her side, lifting her into my arms and soothing her with gentle whispers.

"It's okay, sweetheart. Everything's going to be okay." I murmured, though I wasn't sure if I was reassuring her or myself.

George had already contacted the rest of the family, and within minutes, the Burrow was buzzing with frantic activity. Arthur and Molly were directing everyone, trying to maintain a semblance of order amidst the chaos.

"Everyone has their Portkeys?" Arthur asked, his voice steady despite the turmoil.

"Yes, dad." George replied, gripping my hand tightly. "We're ready."

Molly, her eyes filled with worry, hugged each of us tightly. "Stay safe. We'll see each other soon."

The Porkey activated, and within moments, we were transported to a safe house deep in the countryside. The location was known to only a handful of Order members, a secluded place where we could regroup and plan our next move.

The safe house was an old, sprawling farmhouse, its once charming appearance now tinged with an air of secrecy and urgency. As we settled in, the reality of our situation began to sink in. We were in hiding, cut off from the outside world, and our lives had been uprooted once again.

Freya clung to me, her tiny fingers gripping my shirt as she looked around with wide, frightened eyes. George wrapped his arms around us both, his presence a comforting anchor in the storm of uncertainty.

"It's going to be alright." he whispered, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "We're together, and that's what matters."

Over the next few days, the Weasleys adjusted to their new reality. The farmhouse was crowded but filled with love and support. Each of us took on different roles to keep things running smoothly. Molly, ever the nurturing matriarch, made sure we were all fed and cared for, while Arthur and Bill worked on fortifying the house with protective charms.

One evening, as we sat around the fireplace, I noticed the strain on everyone's faces. The weight of the situation was heavy, but there was also a sense of unity that bought us closer together.

"I miss Ron." Ginny said quietly, breaking the silence. "I just want to know he's safe."

George squeezed my hand, his eyes reflecting the same worry I felt. Our family was scattered, our futures uncertain, but we had to hold on to hope.

It was a tumultuous few days in hiding before the Battle of Hogwarts thrust us into action once more. The safe house, while secure, felt claustrophobic with the weight of uncertainty hanging over us. Each day was a tense waiting tame, filled with whispered conversations and nervous glances.

Freya, sensing the tension around her, became clingier than usual. She refused to leave my side, her small hand gripping mine tightly as if she could sense the danger looming outside out sanctuary. George did his best to distract her with games and stories, but even his usual antics couldn't completely dispel the unease.

Embers of the Heart ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now