Five - 2.0

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It was one of those nights when Freya didn't want to sleep in her crib. Sometimes, we'd be up all night crying because she was so goddamn stubborn, and as always, George and I gave in and brought her to our bed so she could snuggle us.

That meant that the next morning when we woke up, Freya was sprawled out between us, one leg thrown onto George's back and one hand thrown into my face. She was so goddamn cute that when she started to wake up, I brought her into my embrace and plastered kisses all over her face, in which she giggled as much as she could.

"Want to wake up daddy?" I whispered, and she nodded in response, looking over at George who slept peacefully. "Pull his hair as hard as you can, okay, baby?"

She smiled mischievously before crawling across the mattress to where her dad laid on his stomach. She crawled onto his back and with one look at me, she pulled his hair with everything she had in her.

George woke up with a groan, his hand instinctively reaching to rub his scalp where Freya had tugged at his hair. He blinked sleepily, his eyes focusing on our daughter who was giggling mischievously, her dimples deepening with every laugh.

"You little rascal." George murmured, his voice a mix of amusement and feigned annoyance. He gently ticked Freya, causing her laughter to fill the room even more.

Freya squirmed happily in his grasp, her tiny hands reaching out to grab at George's nose. "Dada!" she exclaimed, her words still forming in that adorable, toddler way.

"Dada indeed." George chuckled, nuzzling his face against hers. "Did mum put you up to his mischief?"

I grinned, leaning over to press a kiss to George's cheek. "Maybe just a little." I admitted, watching as Freya continued to playfully pat at George's face.

He groaned dramatically, feigning injury. "I see how it is." he teased, trying to sound stern but failing miserably. "You're both conspiring against me."

Freya let out a delighted squeal, wriggling in George's arms as if she understood every word. Her infectious joy filled the room, dispelling any remnants of sleepiness that lingered from the early morning wake-up call.

"Alright, you two troublemakers." George said, finally sitting up in bed with Freya on his lap. "What's the plan for today?"

I shrugged playfully. "Maybe breakfast first." I suggested. "Then perhaps a walk in the park? It's a beautiful morning."

"Sounds perfect." George agreed, placing a gentle kiss on Freya's forehead. "But first, I think someone needs a diaper change."

Freya squirmed again, giggling as George carried her to the changing table. She babbled happily, seemingly content to be the centre of attention. As George deftly changed her diaper, Freya's laughter filled the room once more, a melody of pure joy that echoed in our hearts.

Afterwards, we all gathered in the kitchen for breakfast, Freya sitting in her high chair munching on bits of toast while George brewed coffee and I prepared a bowl of fruit. The morning sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow over our little family scene.

As we ate together, sharing laughter and stories from the previous day, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with love and gratitude. Despite the challenges and the sleepless nights, moments like these made everything worthwhile. Our bond as a family grew stronger with each passing day, and I knew that no matter what life threw at us, we would face it together, with love, laughter, and plenty of playful mischief from our little Freya.

As we finished breakfast, George and I exchanged a knowing glance across the table. It was time to share our exciting news with Freya— news that would soon change her world in the most beautiful way possible.

Embers of the Heart ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now