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I was waiting patiently for George and Fred to get here. It had been months since they went back to school after New Years, and just a few days ago, George sent a letter about their plans for leaving school permanently.

So I was waiting patiently, for them to land in London. They'd flown the entire way, and I was standing in the alley leading to Diagon Alley, holding my pregnant belly. I was more than halfway now, twenty-four weeks pregnant. I had no idea what the sex was, seeing as I wanted to wait until George got home.

But as of now, we had both turned eighteen. Him last month and me back in January.

I rubbed my belly absently, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. The baby kicked in response, and I smiled, feeling the familiar flutter. I was waiting for George to find out the gender together. It was a decision we'd made in one of our many letters exchanged over the past months.

The alley was quiet, the hustle and bustle of Diagon Alley just a few steps away. I leaned against the wall, my thoughts wandering back to the day George had told me about their plan.

George and Fred were going to open their joke shop, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, sooner than expected. Their exit from Hogwarts had been dramatic, as I'd expected it would be, knowing George and Fred. I couldn't wait to hear the full story.

Suddenly, I heard the unmistakable sound of brooms approaching. My heart leapt as I looked up to see two figured descending rapidly. George and Fred, in perfect synchronisation, landed gracefully in front of me. Fred's usual wide grin was plastered on his face, and George's eyes lit up as he saw me.

"Aurora!" George called out, jumping off his broom and rushing towards me He enveloped me in a tight hug, mindful of my belly.

"Hi." I said, my voice muffled against his chest. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." he murmured, pulling back slightly to look at me. His eyes softened as he glanced down at my belly. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired, but good." I replied. "And the baby's been kicking a lot."

Fred walked over, giving me a quick hug as well. "Blimey, it's good to see you, Aurora. And look at you, glowing and everything."

"Thanks Fred." I said with a laugh. "How was the flight?"

"Long." Fred replied, stretching. "But worth it. We couldn't wait to get back."

George nodded, still holding onto my hand. "We have so much to tell you."

"I'm sure you do." I said. "But first, let's get inside. I've been waiting to find out the baby's gender with you."

George's eyes widened in surprise and delight. "You waited for me?"

"Of course." I said. "I wanted us to find out together."

We made our way into Diagon Alley, weaving through crowds of witches and wizards, bustling about their business. The familiar sights and sounds of the magical marketplace surrounded us, but I was focused solely on George. We had rented the flat above the joke shop. It wasn't much, but it was cosy and would do for now. Once inside, I handed George the envelope from the obstetrician, containing the results.

"Go on." I urged, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. "Open it."

George took a deep breath and carefully opened the envelope. Fred leaned in, peering over his brother's shoulder. As George read the contents, a wide smile spread across his face.

"It's a girl." he said, his voice filled with wonder. "We're having a girl."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I hugged him tightly. "A girl." I repeated, feeling a rush of love and joy.

Embers of the Heart ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now