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It was a few days since I had been attacked by Mr O'Malley, and I was still processing everything that had happened. The nightmares were more frequent now, each one dragging me back to that horrifying moment in the greenhouse. Every time I closed my eyes, I could feel his hand on my throat, hear his sneering voice in my ear. I knew that healing wouldn't come easily, but I had resolved to push through it.

I woke up that morning, feeling a little better, though the ache in my head lingered. Madam Pomfrey had assured me it was just part of the recovery process from the concussion. As I got dressed, I couldn't stop replaying Mrs O'Malley's words in my head. She had called me her daughter. It was such a small thing, but it meant the world to me. For the first time in a long while, I felt like I had a family.

Making my way to the Great Hall for breakfast, I found George already seated, saving a spot for me. His face lit up when he saw me, and he reached out to take my hand as I sat down beside him. It was a simple gesture, but it grounded me, reminding me that I wasn't alone in this.

"How are you feeling today?" he asked, concern etched in his eyes.

"Better." I replied, managing a small smile. "Head still hurts, but I'm getting there."

He squeezed my hand gently. "I'm glad to hear that. Just take it easy, okay? Don't push yourself too hard."

I nodded, appreciating his concern. It was still strange to have someone care about me so deeply, but I was slowly getting used to it.

The Great Hall buzzed with the usual morning chatter, students bustling about and the clinking of cutlery creating a familiar symphony. Despite the noise, our little corner felt like a sanctuary. Fred and Angelina joined us soon after, with Lee trailing behind, carrying an enormous stack of toast.

"Morning, everyone." Fred greeted us, plopping down next to George. "How's our favourite patient doing today?"

"On the mend." I replied, trying to sound more cheerful than I felt. "Thanks for asking."

"Good to hear." Angelina said, offering me a warm smile. "If you need anything, just let us know, okay?"

I nodded, grateful for their support. As we ate, I tried to push thoughts of Mr O'Malley to the back of my mind. I focused on the here and now, on the friends who had become my makeshift family.

After breakfast, we al headed to our first class of the day— mine being Herbology with Professor Sprout. I shared the class with Fred. As we entered the greenhouse, I couldn't help but feel a shiver run down my spine. The memory of what had happened here was still fresh, but I forced myself to walk in, head held high. Fred stayed close to me, his presence a comforting shield against the lingering fear.

"Good morning class," Professor Sprout greeted us cheerfully, oblivious to my inner turmoil. "Today we'll be working with Mandrakes. Remember, they can be quite dangerous if not handled properly."

As the explained the lesson, I tried to focus on her words, on the task at hand. It was difficult, but with Fred beside me, I managed. We donned our earmuffs and set to work, carefully repotting the wriggling, shrieking plants. It was a welcome distraction, a chance to lose myself in the routine of school life.

After class, Fred and I headed to the courtyard, where our little group often spent our free periods. The rest were already waiting under the large oak tree, and I quickly joined George, taking the seat between his legs. We were all there, enjoying the warmth of the sun on our faces. I leaned against him, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest beneath my head.

"Thank you for being here." I murmured, closing my eyes. "I don't know how I'd be getting through this without you."

"You don't have to thank me." he replied softly, running his fingers through my hair. "I'm here because I want to be. Because I care about you."

Embers of the Heart ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now