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I woke up in the middle of the night with a dull ache in my lower back. At first, I thought it was just the usual discomfort that came with being thirty-nine weeks pregnant, but as I shifted in bed, the ache turned into a tight, cramping sensation that spread across my abdomen.

"George." I whispered, nudging him gently. He mumbled something incoherent and rolled over, still half-asleep. I took a deep breath and tried again, this time with a little more urgency. "George, wake up."

He stirred, blinking sleepily at me. "What is it, love?" he asked, his voice thick with sleep.

"I think I'm in labour." I said, my voice trembling slightly.

That woke him up. He sat up quickly, eyes wide with concern. "Are you sure?"

"I don't know." I admitted. "But I'm having these cramps and they're getting stronger."

George was out of bed in an instant, grabbing his wand and summoning a piece of parchment from the dresser. "We need to time the contractions." he said, trying to stay calm. "How far apart are they?"

"I don't know. I've only had one."

He lowered the parchment. "You've only had one and you think you're in labour? Babe.."

I'll admit, I'd done this a few times in the last couple of weeks. Each time I got a cramp, I thought I was in labour, but I swore this time was different.

"It feels different this time, George." I said. "It started in my lower back instead of my stomach and it got stronger as it reached my abdomen."

"Okay, well..." he ran a hand down his face, nodding to himself. "Let's get you to the living room."

With that, he helped me off the bed and to the sofa in the living room where I sat down with a groan. "Tell me when the next one comes."

"Where are you going?" I asked, reaching for his hand when he went to leave.

"Just making you a cup of tea, love." he said softly, leaning down to kiss my forehead. I let go of him, and he walked to the kitchen while I tried not to freak out about me actually being in labour.

I hoped it was now, but I was also slightly terrified about the part that required me to push an entire baby out of my vagina.

As George busied himself in the kitchen, preparing a cup of tea, I sat on the sofa, trying to focus on my breathing and not let my anxiety take over. The dull ache in my lower back persisted, occasionally intensifying into cramps that radiated through my abdomen. Each wave of discomfort made me acutely aware that this could indeed be the beginning of labour.

George returned with a steaming mug of tea and sat beside me, handing it over. "Here you go, love." he said gently, brushing a strand of hair away from my face. "How are you feeling now?"

I took a sip of the tea, the warmth soothing as it travelled down my throat. "Nervous." I admitted, setting the mug aside. "But also excited. It's finally happening, isn't it?"

He nodded, his expression a mix of concern and excitement. "Yeah, it looks like it. Your timing couldn't be more perfect, you know. It's a beautiful night."

I glanced out the window, noticing the faint glow of the moon through the curtains. "It is." I agreed softly. "I just hope I'm ready for what comes next."

"You've got this, Ro." George assured me, squeezing my hand. "We've been preparing for this moment for months. And besides, you're the strongest person I know."

I managed a weak smile, feeling a surge of gratitude for his unwavering support. "Thank you for being here." I said, leaning into his side. "I don't think I could do this without you."

Embers of the Heart ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now