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My friends hated me.

That was all that went through my head as I moved through the corridors, on my way outside so I could breathe.

The sun was shining up high when I stepped outside, and it was quite windy. I took in a deep breath, but it didn't help the suffocating feeling in my throat.

My friends hated me.

I couldn't believe that they could believe that about me. That I'd actually have an affair with my best friend's dad who by the way is married. Why was that their first thought? Why couldn't they have asked me about it instead of assuming and making everything worse?

My friends hated me.

It was all that went through my mind as I made my way through the courtyard to the bridge leading off Hogwarts grounds.

I walked along it until I got to the fields beyond and that's when I let my knees give in like they'd wanted to since Eva threw the accusation out there. I dropped to my knees in the grass, gasping for air while clutching my throat.

I was losing my friends, which meant I was completely alone in this world. Maybe that's what Mr O'Malley wanted. Maybe this was his plan all along.

"Nightingale?" A voice asked. I looked up, locking eyes with Angelina Johnson. She stood there, holding hands with Fred. It looked like they'd been on a walk, and I even ruined that.

I ruin everything.

"You okay?" Fred asked me. I couldn't answer. The words got stuck in my throat along with whatever breath I was trying to breathe.

Angelina let go of Fred's hand and walked over to me, taking a seat next to me in the grass. She smoothed out the skirt beneath her and crossed her legs, sitting there like she had no troubles in the world.

I envied that.

"What's going on?" She asked, throwing her braided ponytail over one shoulder.

"Nothing." I shook my head as the whisper left my mouth. "You can move on. I'm okay."

"You don't seem okay." She said sympathetically. Or maybe it was pity, which was something I strongly disliked.

"Do you want me to get George?" Fred asked, in which I snapped my head up.

"Why?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. Had he told them anything? Had he told them about our conversation even though he promised not to?

"Well... you seem to have grown rather close." Fred shrugged. "He's your friend, right?"

"So are you." I shot back. "Or was I wrong about that?"

"No, you're right." He walked closer and crouched down. "You can tell us what's going on, y'know."

I shook my head. "Trust me. I really can't."

Fred and Angelina exchanged a glance before Fred took a proper seat next to me, the three of us looking out over the field.

Even when I started crying, they didn't say anything or leave me. Angelina wrapped an arm around my shoulders and brought me into her embrace. I hid my face against her shoulder, letting it all out.

Why were they being so nice to me when I'd been horrible to their friend group for years?

"My foster dad sent me a box of condoms." I whispered, deciding to tell them some of the truth.

"What?" Fred asked, frowning. "Why would he sent you condoms?"

I shrugged. I wasn't willing to share what Mr O'Malley did to me. I didn't want them looking at me like a whore.

Embers of the Heart ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now