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A few days later, I was still thinking about the kiss. Every time our eyes met in the corridors or during meals, there was a subtle tension between us, a silent acknowledgment of the shared moment we had experienced. But amidst the lingering warmth of that kiss, there was also a veil of apprehension that hung between us, a hesitance to explore what it meant for our friendship.

I found myself constantly replaying the kiss in my mind, dissecting every moment and searching for clues as to what it meant for our relationship. Did it signify something more than just a fleeting moment of connection? Or was it simply a product of the tumultuous circumstances we had found ourselves in?

Despite my efforts to maintain a sense of normalcy, I couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty that gnawed at me from within. It was as if I was standing at the edge of a precipice, teetering on the brink of a new chapter in my life, unsure of whether to take the leap or retreat to the safety of familiarity.

In an attempt to distract myself from these swirling thoughts, I threw myself into my studies with renewed vigour. I spent countless hours in the library, poring over textbooks and pouring over notes, determined to excel in my classes despite the chaos that threatened to consume me. But no matter how hard I tried to focus, my mind always seemed to drift back to George and the kiss that had changed everything.

It wasn't just the kiss itself that occupied my thoughts, but also the implications of what it meant for our friendship.

I couldn't help but wonder if George was experiencing the same turmoil that I was. Did he regret the kiss, or did he long for something more? Was he grappling with the same questions and doubts that plagued my mind, or was he content to leave our relationship unchanged?

As the days passed, I found myself growing increasingly restless, unable to shake the feeling that something needed to be addressed between us. But every time I worked up the courage to broach the subject with George, I found myself hesitating, afraid of what his response might be.

It wasn't until one evening as we sat together in the Gryffindor common room, that I finally mustered the courage to confront the issue head-on. The fire crackled merrily in the hearth, casting flickering shadows across the room as I stole a glance at George, who was engrossed in a book.

"George," I began tentatively, my voice barely above a whisper.

He looked up from his book, his eyes meeting mine with a curious expression. "What's on your mind?" he asked, setting the book aside and giving me his full attention.

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before speaking. "I've been thinking a lot about... you know, what happened between us." I said, my words stumbling over themselves in my haste to get them out.

George's expression softened and he reached out to brush a comforting hand against my knee "I've been thinking about it too." he admitted, his voice gentle.

There was a moment of silence between us as we both grappled with the weight of what we were about to discuss. It felt like we were standing on the precipice once again, but this time, I was determined to face whatever lay on the other side.

"I just... I need to know where we stand," I said finally, my voice barely above a whisper.

George's gaze softened, and he reached out to cup my face in his hands, his touch gentle and reassuring. "Aurora, you mean more to me than you'll ever know." he said softly, his words sending a shiver down my spine.

I searched his eyes, finding nothing but sincerity and warmth in their depths. It was as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders, and I felt a sense of clarity wash over me.

Embers of the Heart ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now