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I just created Aurora, using AI, so there you go. This is how I see her, but you're obviously welcome to imagine her as anyone.

- Julie


I woke up with a start, shaking and sweating uncomfortably. I sat up in bed, running my hands through my hair while trying to contain myself.

Yet another fucking nightmare. I had a feeling they were never going to stop, so I did what I always did when I had a nightmare.

I got up, grabbed my toiletries and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. The water was nice and warm, cascading down my body. I wetted my hair, shampooed it and then washed it out before continuing with the conditioner.

I didn't harm myself today, but I did snort two lines of coke before returning to my bedroom and going back to sleep.

When I woke up again an hour later, I felt much better. I got up, got dressed, ignored Eva and went on my way.

I sat with George, Fred, Lee and Angelina in the Great Hall, the five of us eating breakfast together. Like usual, I sat next to George and as of lately, he'd started holding my hand beneath the table.

"Are they still mad at you?" Angie asked me, taking a bite of her croissant.

"Eva and Finn?" I asked. "Probably. I don't know. I'm mad at them too, y'know."

"I don't blame you." She scoffed. "I always say that friends listen instead of judging. Those aren't friends, Aurora."

"But we have so much history." I frowned, glancing towards the Hufflepuff table. "Which is why I don't get how they could accuse me of something like that."

"Because they're shitty friends." Lee offered, smiling widely. "Good thing you found us, eh?"

I couldn't help my laugh. "Yeah. I got pretty lucky in that department." But I was looking at George.

He gave my hand a squeeze under the table, and I smiled as I leaned against him, resting my head on his shoulder. He responded by pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

"Miss Nightingale?" Professor Sprout walked up to the table with a soft smile. "I need to see you in my office for a moment."

"Ooh." Lee commented. Angie elbowed him but that didn't shut him up. He continued to laugh.

I got off the bench and followed Professor Sprout through the corridors and outside to her office which was located within the greenhouses.

"Your foster dad sounded urgent." She said, and all blood inside me turned cold.

My foster dad?

"Go ahead." Professor Sprout held open the door. "You have the office to chat."

No, please no.

But I still stepped inside. I couldn't be seen making a scene. The door shut behind me but I stayed pressed up against it, one hand on the handle.

Mr O'Malley stood there, taking me in with a hand running over his mouth. It was disgusting.

"You look beautiful."

I didn't respond. I just stood there, frozen and absolutely terrified out of my mind. Why didn't I just tell Professor Sprout that I had no interest in seeing him? Why didn't I tell her a portion of the truth— that he'd been hurting me since I was thirteen and that his wife has now kicked him out because of it?

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Well, for starters, I want you to talk to Catherine and tell her you lied about me."

Embers of the Heart ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now