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Macau pov :- 

Sleep is the best gift you can receive in your life it's a gift of god which is just bestowed to his most cherished human beings and this being duly noted , i can say that I'm not one of those people  who is cherished by the god at all i may add. 

  Searching the phone on my bed was like finding a needle in the hay stick , the alarm being already irritating as it is  , it was more frustrating when i couldn't  find them on sheet. having my face covered in pillow wasn't doing any good , i was just moving my hand around the bed in the lump of sheets so that i can just stop the alarm failing to find it , finally i moved from my pillow and sat up on the bed and started scanning the bed for that little piece of box, to just switch the thing off .

 "here you're " holding the piece of box in my hand i was determined to 'snooze' it for time being just to squeeze 15 more mins of sleep , but unfortunately that alarm did it's job of making me wide awake so instead i just  pressed 'stop' and was ready to move from my bed to continue my daily routine.

Seeing P'kinn sitting in the main hall as i was descending the stairs made me realize a lot happened this year . All the past memories had been spiraling in my brain while i was moving down , the past which i lived seem like a dream that i had been trying to escape for awhile now .

 " Hi Macau. how are you ? " .P'kinn's voice caught me off-guard as i looked at him , well more like staring at him i took his look in more clearly as i focused on him same old guy could be seen but something was different.

you could see that he had a more warm smile while greeting that one formal one which we used to receive ,he had a relaxed posture and something more which i couldn't point out right now . i smiled back at him replying to his question 

"hello pPkinn. I'm fine how are you? is something wrong ? is there a problem? do we.." as i started expressing my thoughts i was interrupted by P'kinn " Relax kiddo everything's fine . I'm just here cause my  big brother wants to meet Pete ...... " as he was replying back my first thought was if P'thankun wanted to meet Pete what is P'kinn doing here 

"......and Vegas " oh he said something any ways i said my goodbyes and excused my self before being bombarded by more questions about my studies and stuff ........ (grown ups and their obsession with studies uggghh..)

standing in front of my university gate made me realize i never thought i would even come anywhere near completing my high school let alone standing here . The amount of depressing thinking i have been doing since morning makes me sound like a damsel of some movie or a book .

 Nodding off all the thoughts from the head i headed out straight into the gates to find pat the only sole sustenance of my efficiently working brain.

walking through the corridor finding this idiot was a task as i was busy messaging the guy , i started  hearing  some noises from the canteen area. Though the canteen is always buzzing around but it was unusually loud today . My urge to ignore the crowd was weak compared to the curiosity i had . I  wanted to know what was going (guilty pleasures to listen the gossips).

 "yeah today i guess till 1 he's going to be here...." "you've got to be kidding me ?" "where did you here that?" "nah bro someone might be joking around you know how the rumors fly around" what's going on around what are people so exited for I'll just ask this guy here "excuse...."  

"MACAU MAcau.. did " this guy " god  why don't you just breath first . the way you came running people might assume i died "  he stood there bowed how hands resting on his knees panting and huffing god know where the heck was this guy fooling around only god can save him , this idiot. 

Giving him the water bottle i had in my hand i asked him what the hassle was all about " the love of my life is going to be here my one and only , my beloved , my love , me amore  , the dearest .." "yeah yeah got it just shut up for a sec ..... on second thoughts when did you get in a serious relationship dude.. are two timing girls now dude how many time "  "dude what are you talking about?? when was i in a relationship" i was genuinely confused and this guys wasn't making it any better .

 I'm going to smack the shit out of this guys as i raised my hand to slap his shoulder he said"  DUDE i meant  WIK is going to be here , damn you really assumed i had a girlfriend wow that's nice , not like i can't have one but......."  i just didn't here he's blabbering after what he said

 "..... dude who is going to come?"  i didn't know why i reacted like that i was kind of surprised of the fact that i heard that name after such a long time "WIK... wikkkkk the world class musician who was said to be in hiatus  is coming for the alumni meet this year . Well the meeting is after the lunch i guess not sure , it was suppose to be a surprise . i don't know why ??? but yeah that's what i know as of now."

  Seeing P'kim was not something to be surprised of but i wasn't sure i was kind of hesitant to see him ."ohh so that's what is going on. OK dude I'll se you after class in the auditorium directly then k bye." 

Moving on to the corridor to make way for my class i was really caught up in my thoughts while climbing the stairs. it's not like i was suppose to be scared or anything right both the families are on good terms now . we often visit each other too and P'kinn was here in the morning did he really say something about P'kim in the morning? i guess i should start paying more attention on what people are saying . 

But was P'kim aways here after that night ?if he was why didn't anyone say so? and if he wasn't why was he coming to the university as a first thing? should i really be thinking about this now? "Macau get in you've been standing there for five minutes now". when did i reach the class . Well i entered the class and took my seat .

 "dude did you hear about the alumni meet I'm so excited  to see wik" Ashly whispered in my ear i just nodded taking out my book and trying to concentrate on the formation of tax laws . But my mind was just wandering off to P'kim .Was i really scared?

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