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Author's pov :-

As Macau went back home , he had some lingering thoughts going on in his mind having . Standing in front of the big black gate Macau looked up hesitantly up before entering the his house , he pushed the gate and entered in the lawn, making his way through the lawn , he stood there taking in the surroundings in once again.

This was the same house he was adamant on leaving and never coming back , the same house where he stayed just for his Hia , now coming back to this same house made him feel comfortable , he felt safe , somewhere he belonged . He dragged himself forward to the door as he was more that tired from the whole day , he rang the doorbell and stood in front for someone to receive the door . 

The door was opened revealing Pete with a bright smile on his face ."welcome Macau. how was your day?". Pete's smile felt like a warm welcome for Macau . That's what changed the house's atmosphere . Once this lifeless house felt more like home to him . A place of belonging to the brothers. "hi P'pete , it was fine i had the same old day ,nothing new" Macau replied monotonously while entering the house.

He sprinted to the nearest sofa present in the hall and threw his bag side ways , continuing his conversation. " we also had an alumni meet today . that was soo unexpected we had our super seniors present and you know what...." 

 Pete was listened to him intently while still continuing his work ,seeing Macau's bag which was half seated on the floor with the bag's strap still stuck on the armrest he moved forward to take it and keep it properly.

" So you had a long day ,what more should i be knowing?"  he asked curiously as Macau seemed very excited to share the news . But Macau just refrained himself and just diverted the topic " no nothing . where's Hia? " .

Though Pete understood the change in topic but he did not confront it "Vegas is in the study , he want's to complete his work before going to dinner tonight" ."oh ok so what.." as Macau replied to Pete he was interrupted by Pete cutting him off mid way "why don't you complete you're work too before we head in. oh you were saying something?" . " why would i be coming to your dinner ?"  Macau asked with a mild surprise on his face.

 "Macau we've talked about this several times . i don't think i need to repeat myself again. I know that you're still uncomfortable , going to meet the major family every now and then , but you also have to cut some slack ,everyone's trying to mend the family and we all are...." . Pete started ranting up a little disappointed at Macau's behavior here.

"wooooh wooooh wait... wait ...  i thought you and Hia were going on a dinner date or something ,  when did we plan a dinner with them and why wasn't i  informed about this. "  Macau replied a little defensively as he felt he was being scolded unnecessarily .

" Macau what are you talking about you were the first one to be invited , Kinn came by this morning and invited us all . He personally said you to join in , what's wrong with you?" . Pete's concern was clearly visible though he tried to be calm about it.

"Oh so that's what P'kinn was here for" .Macau answered back. Not to get in more trouble or be on bad side of Pete,  Macau just agreed to what Pete said and moved towards his room that was upstairs . 

Throwing the bag pack in the corner which according to him was keeping it , he moved towards his bed and laid there making himself more comfortable.

Macau took his phone out from the pocket and stared on his phone to check out on what all happened in his absence and updated himself on everything . While idly scrolling through the social media he was notified with a fresh post uploaded from Ashly .

 He clicked the pop up notification to find the post of Ashly , to be more precise it was today's picture of the event that took place may be 2 hours a go. The picture was of Ashly , pat and other his other classmates standing around  "P'kim". that's what Macau breath out . with a caption written

 'guess who got lucky today<3 ..looks like god loves me dearly' . cringe total cringe was the only thing Macau thought of.

This made Macau realize that he might be meeting p'kim again today in the family dinner , Macau was not entirely sure he wanted to meet p'kim again after the interaction they had in morning which he admits to be one of the most shameful one's. Wandering of in thoughts , Macau drifted out to sleep as he was already tired .

He woke up with a loud bang on his door to which his first instinct was to find a weapon for safety " Macau get your lazy ass up it's already 6.15 we've to bee there till 7 ,god dammit we're going there for dinner not a late night snack".  Listening to his big brother's voice he kept the bat down and replied that he'll be ready.

 Macau had a feeling that being late might end up with a constant nagging from Thankun and a night full of sneer and sarcastic comments with uncomfortable atmosphere which he was clearly not in the mood for.

Macau had a quick bath and went for some casual dressing with a white and sky blue  striped pants styling it with a white oversized t shirt and finally layering out with a sky blue shirt.

He saw himself one last time in the mirror , giving himself one satisfied look for the last time before getting out of his room, closing his room behind him he ran towards the car in which Pete and Vegas were already with Vegas on the driver's seat honking for Macau to hurry up. Was Macau really ready to face Kim were his last thoughts before the car started moving forward.  

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