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Macau's pov :-

Meeting the major family was like a formal event for the minor Theerapanyakun family , whose invitation we could not deny , even if we wanted to . Standing in front of the gate i straightened my clothes one last time before following Hia and  P'Pete inside the house.

"FINALLY.... look who showed up" P' Thankun shouted while stepping down from stairs. Hia just grunted in response while P'Pete had a light chuckle . We all move towards the hall ,

 "Hello p'Thankun how have you been? "  P'Pete responded while adjusting himself on the sofa that was present there. " you don't need to be formal Pete . i'm fine . how are you? , is this guy troubling you"  P''Thankun started rampaging questions on P'Pete not even trying to let him answer any of his questions. 

This sarcastic banter went on for sometime back and forth between Hia and P'Thankun until p'Kinn entered the room demanding all his attention with his alluring aura . "good evening everyone . how are you all?" . 

The guy just loves showing off , he needs undivided attention that's it . I rolled my eyes and responded to his question . While everyone were engrossed in their own little chat my mind wandered toward PKim , was he really here in the house , is he going to join us at the dinner table , would he join us for dinner , wait isn't that suppose to be the same thing, yeah it's the same thing . 

"so you guys are going to spend night here right"  P'thankun announced . 

Wait when was this planned i wasn't informed about "P'Pete you didn't inform me that we're staying here"  i whispered him tugging his t shirt to grab his attention .

" Even i didn't knew anything about this , Kinn never informed me"  P'Pete whispered back. 

"No ,once the dinner is done we're going back , no spending night's here "  hia replied with an annoyed look on his face . 

you could here the determination in his voice. Everyone sitting there were taken aback from P'Thankun's statement , while most of them agreed with him ,Hia was adamant on his words.

Even though i agreed with Hia on this one , i kept quite to see how far this bickering is going to go , because this would be one of the most fun form of entertainment that i could receive in this house , 

Hia was very possessive of P'Pete which was as evident as day and us living there meant that P'Pete would be spending his night with P'Thankun while watching series or playing games , which Hia was not happy about that at all.

Finally after what looked like hours we all moved towards the dinning hall and settled down according to P'Thankun's instruction because we didn't want any PDA in front of our food , which i was thankful to him for . 

So taking my seat beside P'pete and p'thankun on the other side i felt like a small kid that is stuck between them.

With all the conversations going around P'Kinn finally directed the question towards me "So how was the event macau ?" 

I returned the answer saying the happening of my events finally realizing that i never mentioned him , i had a thought that P'pete might have said him "how did know about the event P'Kinn?" the curiosity took hold of me and i asked him,

 as he was going to reply to me "good evening everyone , I'm sorry for the delay , had some important work to sort out"  a voice came behind me moving towards P'Pete's chair . I turned back to see who it was , well look who bothered to show up P'Kim. 

"evening kim ,it's fine no problem , come join us for dinner  you must be tired by all the events that took up from the morning" Hia replied in response .

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