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Macau pov :-

What a waste of the time i couldn't get anything done in the class at all , though i tried to concentrate on the lesson, but right now, the formation of taxes law wasn't helping my brain at all. It's good that i did take the notes, which I'll refer to at home, and I hope to get something in my brain .
"Macau, let's get to the audi fast they all might have already settled in the hall ."Ashly was practically shouting in my ear.
i was in no mood to attend the meet in the auditorium as it's always the same things going on .
To me it seemed more like an orientation where the teacher and principal is going to just be babbling about how good the college is , like dude I'm already in your college why does it matter now .
Anyways, we made our way from the lobby through the whole crowd moving towards the auditorium .

Good thing Pat had already reserved seats for me and Ashly , as soon as we entered the hall we started searching for pat , the hall being crowded it was difficult to see where he was.

Ashly just swiftly moved to check the seats and finally gave up . she took out her phone and called pat

" where the heck are you we can't see you". you could see how annoyed she was ,

well I wouldn't blame her cause even i was annoyed too with all the pushing and pulling going around to find seats in the hall ,

it was getting hot and difficult to breath 

"dude just count the rows and tell me exactly . I'm not going to wander around looking like a lost beggar here faaasst..." yeah she's Definity loosing it.

she just grabbed my hand and started pulling me through the crowd till we finally found pat.

"Finally , just put your stuff under the seat or in front of the seat i don't want any distractions"

Ashly was just going on and on about how she was so into this alumni meet and how all her idols are here they all being and inspiration and stuff.

 "come on Ashly everyone knows you're just here to see WIK . inspiration , idol my ass we 're all here just to see him " pat said mockingly to Ashly.

Ashly just snorted in response well honestly where's the lie everyone's here just for him that's it.

Finally the hall was settled . Once the principal took the stage there was dead silence in the hall everyone greeted him in sync and sat down again 

 "man i can't believe he's still alive . taking into consideration that he can't even walk properly , i thought he would be dead by now" pat was whispering.

I just nudged him to stop his nonsense , though he wasn't wrong . He was a quite a firm man with a frown on his face and white hair but had a gentle smile .

My mind was more concerned on finding P'kim was he really here, did he come to the college .my eyes were practically scanning the dim lighted room .

Ashly nudged me in the stomach to make me sit upright cause i was just moving around a lot . I was practically restless and anxious that's when i spotted him .

He was there sitting in the second row behind the teacher's assigned seats smiling with his friends . his hair grew a lot since i last saw him they weren't tied like how they used to be .

a soft light was cascaded on his light skin giving him the soft glow on his face .i couldn't see his whole face as i was seated diagonally behind him .

His brown leather jacket complimented his skin really well with that jet black hair falling on his shoulders.

For some odd reason i wanted him to turn around and see me or glance at me , i wanted him to acknowledge me .

"Do you think p'kim will sing today , I mean he should he has his whole band here we should say him what do you think? " Ashly's excited low pitch could be heard .

that drew me out of my thought and back to the reality . what was i even thinking right now what's wrong with me , that felt so wrong .

"yeah he should sing . what's the point of whole alumni meet if we can't hear him sing , the amount of money I'll save if i can hear his voice for free here , the concerts these days are too expensive for us to afford anyways" Pat whispered back

" i know right. what do you think macau? "

"yeah i guess you're right we should definitely" as i blanked out what we're they talking about "definitely what cau?? "

 " he's not even listening to what we're saying . leave the most sincere student out of this Ashly . hearing princi's speech is more important than us talking you're disturbing him" Pat started with his tantrums and

Ashly complied with him and started giggling silently.

The speeches were finally done and which we didn't even hear to cause of these to idiots beside me finally we were allowed to have a one on one interaction with the alumnus to get tips and and talk about future aspects apparently , but I'm pretty sure the crowd had other plans . 

They were more interested in having autographs and pictures from P'kim more than anything else. Honestly speaking i felt bad for the other's who were standing there just not being acknowledged the way P'kim was .

 I mean there was p'tem who is one of the most prominent businessman in Thailand . that's after the Theerapanyakul family of course , but yeah you get the point of what i want to say.

Well i really wanted to meet P'tem first or more like avoid P'kim , I'm not sure about that , those two idiots just left me and ran off , jerks .I made my way to P'tem slowly approaching him his back was turned towards me so he couldn't see me .

 I cleared my throat but he didn't listen i guess , is he deaf ?Whatever let's try again " P'tem" i said hesitantly he turned towards me with a gentle smile on his face he had a well built personality and with that blue suit well tailored to his body it was just perfect.

 He is a tall person with brownish hair which was sleeked back with gel . you could totally say he was someone who was meticulous about whatever he did." oh hello there kiddo i didn't see you there? do you want something ? WIK is standing there on the right side of stage". was what he said 

"i know wik is there i wanted to meet you" he could clearly hear the irritation in my voice. " oh sorry i didn't think anyone was interested this side sorry . so what's your name? " he said ruffling my hair .

As i was about to answer him P'kim came by sayin " let's go guys i guess the time's up" and stopped beside him , that's when he noticed me standing right in front of me . He seemed i don't know how to put this displeased i guess . did i ruin his mood?

 "yeah yeah let's head up. By the way meet this little guy here , wasn't interested in seeing you , can you believe that what did you say your name was again? he said putting his hand on my shoulder and playfully pulling me close " Macau" . god the situation felt awful i answered slowly .

"Macau nice to meet you. but for now i have to goo . bye". i greeted him back and as i was leaving my eyes caught p'kim staring at me . I suddenly realized i didn't greet him at all so , i immediately told my goodbyes to him too . He just stared me in annoyance and left. Is this guy for real? is the only thing i can think of for now.

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