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Author's pov :-

'I should just talk to p'Thankun and change my room , yes that sounds like what a mature person would do' Macau thought as he paced through the room up and down rampaging his brain for excuses to change the room.

Slowly opening the door , he scanned the lobby left to right making sure there was no unwanted threat. Not finding anyone around he moved towards Thankun's room to have a serious discussion about his room

"p'Thankun ...." he knocked on his door waiting patiently for a reply from other side . "p'Thankun.... can i talk to you please" he continued knocking now loosing his patience

"yes Macau" Thankun answered.

"Can i please talk to you" Macau asked in the most respectful way ever ,moving towards the door ,making the other man feel as he was talking to the most descent boy he ever met

"Yes Macau you can talk to me what's wrong?" he questioned

"Can you please open the door first , for me to talk to you, i don't want to share them with the whole world " He shouted irritated , leaning in.

"Macau I'm behind you , stop clinging to my door you're not going to teleport inside" Thankun chirped trying to hold the laugh that was creeping in . He surely enjoyed the whole scene.

Macau turned around instantly feeling embarrassed by how the whole scene unfolded "Phi why didn't you say so " he said shyly now looking at his shoes. "why are all of you determined to embarrass me"

"it's fun "Thankun replied moving down stairs.

"wait phi I'm not done talking" Macau shouted now catching up with Thankun .  

"Yeah sure we can continue rest of our conversation while having breakfast come down , eat first  , i don't want your brother to look at you and say we starved you to death" 

"so, what's wrong is something bothering you" Thankun asked concerned about Macau

"Phi can i change my room please?" Macau asked while handing him the jug "i won't mind shifting in the guest room"

"why what's wrong , isn't that room comfortable , i thought you loved that room , weren't you the one who used to make a scene just to stay in that room when you were little " Thankun replied taking a bite from his plate

"You really remember all my embarrassing stuff "Macau said "well it's not uncomfortable or anything , it's just that ....." 'what am i suppose to say i just don't want to live beside that piece of shit of your brother' ..... it's kind of disturbing with all the singing p'Kim does at night , so i was unable to sleep"

"So you mean to say Kim was disturbing you so that's why you couldn't sleep" Thankun asked amused

"No no , he didn't disturb me , when did i say he disturbed me , don't put words into my mouth" Macau denied the accusation by Thankun

 "That's what you said you were unable to sleep because of kim" Thankun repeated

"What no, i didn't say that" Macau bewildered by the accusation chocking on his drink.

"geez.... you don't need to overreact Macau "  Thankun took his plate in his hand cleaning the rest of the area with Macau.

"it' sounded so wrong when you say it like that " he kept the plate aside now.

" Kim wasn't in home yesterday " he took a pause before continuing ," please don't tell me you hear ghost and spirits too " Thankun replied leaving the boy in utter shock at the stupidity he did.

"May be i heard something else i guess" was the best excuse he could come up with for now. " I need to leave it's late see you later" he moved from his chair tucking it in and moving towards hall to pick up his bag.

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