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As the car reached the front yard , Macau leapt out of the car running towards his home . Fumbling with his keys to unlock the door , he glanced back at Kim who was parking his car.

He ran inside the house and into his room , closing the door behind him , he breath out , realizing he held his breath for a long time .He closed his eyes taking long breaths to calm his mind 'what the hell is wrong with me , leave me what's wrong with him , what the fuck does he think his doing , and why am i reacting like a teenager on hormones 'Macau rolled his eyes.

"Now where did i keep the sheets" he hummed to himself  trying to distract himself by rummaging through study table. "i swear it was here , did i take it there , no it should be here somewhere I'm sure i kept it here" he continued while moving his books and papers around the table. 

While searching around for his belongings , he heard the door knob opening behind him , considering all his options he thought it was best to ignore the man entering his room and continue his searching for the sheets.

"You have a pretty clean room , considering how trashy you are" Kim said seeing the room spotless except the study table which was a mess created by Macau just now.

''the audacity of this man'  Macau thought but kept his mouth shut , assessing the situation he was in it was best if he kept his mouth shut and continue with his work as he was not in the mood to make any more scene. 

Kim walked towards the bed and laid there making himself comfortable in his bed "It's soft , i can lie here whole day , why do you need such a soft bed do you have a backache or something " he said getting up and adjusting himself to sit back , trying to get a reaction out of him.

"why do i feel like you're ignoring me hmm" Kim got up from his place moving towards Macau.

"I don't have a backache , and i like to keep my room clean" Macau answered in one breath hearing his footsteps , moving little away from the voice.

"hmm" Kim  opened the wardrobe that was behind Macau's back  "they say people who keep their room clean usually have messy wardrobes"

"WOW..... who would have thought you could actually take care of your things " Kim said taking a folder in his hand, which was kept in a small compartment on the top of the shelf , tucked behind a stack of neatly folded clothes, he was honestly surprised by how well the wardrobe was organized.

Macau moved towards his desk briskly searching for his assignment, feeling clouded and disoriented , his hands were not coordinating making it difficult to move things on the messy desk .

"Is this what you're looking for?" Kim said waving his the folder in his hand , seeing that the other boy was not paying attention at all , he opened the folder 

"Name Macau Theerapanyakun ,subject Financial management ,roll....." as he was reading the assignment, Macau ran stumbling from the other side to snatch the folder from his hands but failing in doing so.

"yes this is the one , give it to me pleasee" Macau made sure he strained extra on the word after the whole experience ,he abruptly got closer to Kim , making him move a little away .

Kim just took the file in other hand blocking Macau from his side , "P'Kim why are you doing this to me , please give it back" Macau shouted now moving to his other side trying to take the file.

"What am i doing , are talking about this" he said waving the folder again " It's called helping you , you can't even keep your own things properly and now you're blaming me for helping you , how rude" he jerked his hand in the air , keeping it away from the shorter boy.

Macau moved closer to Kim grabbing his jacket for the support , tiptoeing on his feet to reach the other boy's hand "Fineeeee , thank you , is that what you want to hear , thank you now give it back" he shouted irritated by Kim's childish behavior, now jumping to get what he wanted which was blocked by Kim's free hand

Kim however enjoying the whole scene and didn't give up "Take it " he shrugged waving it even higher." It's not like I'm stopping you"

Feeling agitated by Kim's comment Macau pushed him harder to pull his hand down making Kim loose his balance

his feet slip out, making his heart race , With the sense of urgency he reached out to grab Macau's hand to prevent the fall , as Macau felt the sudden weight of Kim pulling him forward , making him land on Kim's chest as Kim's back touch the bed.

Macau still not giving up tries to reach the folder and finding the opportunity he grabs it feeling proud of his winning situation until the reality hits him.

Finding himself on Kim he is stunned by the unexpected collision ,and a moment of awkward silence hangs in the air, he now move his hands beside Kim to steady himself for standing up , but his attempt to get up fails as Kim's grip tightens around his waist pulling him down again , making Macau's eyes widen in surprise as he feels his balance falter.

And just as he's about to protest , Kim's finger reaches his lips making him go silent .Macau's heart races at the unexpected turn of events , unsure how to react to this move , he can feel a warm tingling sensation form in his cheeks making them go red ,Kim's grip remains steadfast , his gaze unwavering as he hold's Macau in place.

Macau's heart pounds in his chest , a mix of frustration and something else that he can't quite grasps get to him.

"p'Kim , you're holding me" he manages to say his voice coming out a little breathless.

Getting back into his senses , Kim helps Macau to his feet , his touch still lingering for a moment longer than necessary , as Macau stands up he meets Kim's gaze.

Feeling embarrassed by the whole situation he takes the folder in his hand and rushes to sit in the car ."I'll go first " he says .

 A moment later Kim comes out locking the door behind him , getting in the car, having a silent ride to their destination ahead.

Taking his bag and folder Macau runs on the steps not wanting to look back "Study well kiddo , make us proud " Kim shouted from the window trying to diffuse the tension that was build between them.

"Bye, bye make sure get full marks on your assignment" he shouts again making sure that the boy felt embarrassed , he drives away , seeing his ears turn pink .

Feeling all the eyes on him , after the comments he received from Kim, Macau just looks on the floor trying to run as fast as possible colliding with a boy on his way .

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