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"So, what made you come here today?" Kinn asked Macau while passing the bowl to Porsche, who was sitting beside him.

"well....." Macau shrugged, "....can't i come to meet you guys?" he asked nonchalantly with a smile on his face. Leaning on the chair

"Really? who did you want to meet, cause I don't remember meeting you today," he scans Macau who looked really disheveled.

"not gonna lie, but you look wasted" Porsche commented, on Macau's appearance, at which Macau sighed.

"Well I got a little drunk," Macau raised his hand to show a pinch, with his fingers.

"You, what!" Kinn shouted in response, Macau grimaced at his voice, "how can you just drink,"

"Well it's kind of easy you know, you just go to the bar..." Macau started explaining the process.

"I KNOW....THAT...I DIDN'T....." he rubbed his forehead with is hand " know what just forget i asked something anyways when did you come here, did you have your breakfast?" he asked in series of questions.

"...." Before Macau could answer he was interrupted, by Kim who came from the other room.

"He was here yesterday" Kim answered taking his seat beside Macau, who grunted lowly.

"Does Vegas and Pete know you were here?" Porsche asked again, making Macau realize that he didn't inform them at all.

"About that..." he scoffed lightly "I forgot" he managed to say lowly rubbing his nape. Making them look at him in horror

"Don't worry, I informed them yesterday" Kim said serving Macau food in his plate, making Kinn and Porsche look at him in surprise.

"What?" he raised his eyebrow seeing both of them gasp.

"Nothing, continue" Kinn said looking back in his plate

"What's wrong?" He asked again to Porsche, who was still staring at him in surprise.

"Well, never saw you serve someone, that's kind of new" Porsche answered making Macau realize that Kim was serving him, which made him blush evidently. Porsche smiled but didn't say anything.

"That's fine, I'm not hungry" Macau responded rejecting Kim's help.

"You need to have breakfast, Macau" Kim said with a deep voice, making Macau look at him with a puzzled expression.

"Since, when do you care," he asks slowly so as to not raise any suspicion, Kim just smiled in response.


"I'm really not hungry, I'll go home and eat" he replied back, moving his plate away from him.

"Is something wrong Macau?" Kinn asked seeing the boy push back his plate like a child "if you want something else we'll tell them to cook," Kinn suggested.

"Ah! no it's fine" he said frantically, waving his hands feeling bad for his behavior. "it's just that I'm not a breakfast person, can't eat in the morning, you can even ask P'Thankun he knows"  he replies 

"Are you sure, you really need to eat" Porsche stands up as he was done with his breakfast, "if you need something, I'll cook it for you" he suggests the same thing again.

"No I'm really fine, if I feel hungry I'll eat, it's really ok, thanks for asking" Macau, clamps his hand bowing a little thank full for the offer, Kinn nods in response and gets up to leave as he was done.

"Or do you want me to feed you?" Kim whispers leaning in when he sees his brother leave, making Macau's eyes widen in surprise.

"......" He just stares at Kim not knowing how to respond, Kim raises his eyebrows in response.

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