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He stomped in the room moving to and fro in front of sofa , Thankun Pol and Arm sitting on the sofa following Macau with their eyes

"What does he think he is?" Macau continued still moving around , hands folded and huffing in anger . " who does he think he is , just because he's your brother he thinks he can give me that nasty attitude of his" he said pointing towards Thankun aggressively.

"Did you pause my series just to nag about Kim because if that's so get out i need to watch this" Thankun said as he tried unpausing the video back

"You do not understand" Macau said back

"Yeah i don't , now can i get back" Thankun replied , While Pol continued eating the popcorn enjoying the banter that was going on in front of him.

"Ok guys , quite for a moment" Arm announced ,successful in grabbing both the peoples attention . "Now Macau what Happened , what's wrong"

"Kim" he said pulling the popcorn bucket from Pol's hand and squeezing in the couch , wiggling to get some space

"And" Thankun asked

"He thinks I'm not good enough for P'Tem" Macau said munching on the popcorn 

"So what are we suppose to do?" Pol asked trying to snatch the bucket from him , Arm slapped pol from behind making him shut his mouth

"Well help me" Macau answered back with a mouth full

"Ok so what are you angry about , Kim saying you're not good enough or you not being able to do anything" Thankun asked getting up from the couch as it was too uncomfortable to sit now , he moved to another chair making the boys spread comfortably on the sofa.

"I don't know , I mean I knew i wouldn't be able to do anything , but your ass of the brother saying that I'm not enough is what makes me more angry" Macau answered still eating.

"Hey hey watch your language , you do not talk about my brother like that and he's elder than you" Thankun said pointing out his finger

"yeah I'm sorry PHI'Kim is an ASS" he shouted back making Pol giggle and getting hit by Arm once more.

"You know what I'll win over p'Tem and show P'kim that I'm good enough for him" he said standing up suddenly staring at a distance as if he's watching in a camera

"shut up "pol said pulling him back to the sofa

"Well that actually sounds like a good plan though" Arm replied , who got offered with the popcorn on his suggestion . "well not the whole thing but it's a start " he completed popping the corn in his mouth

"Ok so mission.....what should we name it" pol asked turning towards them , making three of them face palm "I mean come on guys we need a name , how are we really going to carry out a plan"

"Now I'll show p'Kim that I'm capable of winning P'Tem's heart" Macau squeals in excitement

"Are you doing this to impress Kim " Thankun asked curious to why his brother is being dragged in this.

"No , why would i" Macau answered back in an instant.

"Ok leave that all alone , what do you want us to do" Arm asked , trying to end all the unnecessary drama in the room.

"Help me , like duh" Macau answered 

"Yeah i know help you , but how , like do you have any plan or anything we can help you with" Pol answered back

"If i had a plan why would you think i would be here at the middle of the night " Macau answered rolling his eyes at them

"Sooooo" Macau said turning towards them with puppy eyes

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