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"No!" Thankun exclaims, "not in million, years" he sits straight eyeing Macau up and down.

"It doesn't even matter" Macau stomped, his feet "this looks finee..." he whines pointing towards his clothes.

"Looks like you're wearing uniform" Thankun commented, which worked in his favor, as Macau stomps back up to his room to change his clothes again.

"Come on, Phi cut him some slack," Kinn says as he keeps his phone inside.

"He's going on a date for first time, do you want him to look like a seventh grader, wearing his uniform walking around with an adult?" he frowns back.

"we still haven't reach to any conclusion yet?" Vegas asks taking a seat beside Pete.

"No, this is going to take a long time," Pete sighs, "Want some thing to drink guys?" he stood up going towards Kitchen. Porsche following behind him.

"Yeah, please get him something" Pol replies "Might bring just some ice to put in on his head" he stands up stretching himself as he felt stiff.

"The last time I entered this compound, we could have never though we all would be deciding Macau's cloths" Porsche took a bottle out of the fridge, pouring it in a glass for himself, smiling to himself

Pete smiled in response, thinking the same, who would have thought that, if someone would have come to him and said back then, this is how his life is going to be someday he would have laugh it of or though he's gone crazy, but here they all were, sitting in Minor family compound selecting a dress for Macau to wear.

"This better be last one, I'm not going to change it now" he said getting down stairs, as he was about to take his last step on floor he heard Thankun shout.

"No way, get back up there, I don't even want to see the whole thing" he practically jumped from the sofa ushering the small boy.

"I'm not changing, this is final" Macau pouted folding his hands. taking his stance.

"why not just wear boxers and go?" Thankun folded his hands back "Have you even seen yourself in mirror?" he waved his hand in air pointing him from head to toe..

"Yes I did, and i look Handsome thankyou!" he said proudly, raising his chin smiling.

"Not like this, if you go out like this, I'm pretty sure you're going to collect change from people in no time, even a homeless looks better than you" Thankun kept his hands on Macau's shoulders turning him around to push him back to his room, "something else, this won't work"

"Have you seen the weather outside?" he turned around again to argue back "this is fine it's casual enough, to go out."

"Yes, but if it's your friends, not on a date" Thankun argued back.

"It's not a Date!" Macau shouted, pulling his face, tired of explaining them for a long time, bringing everyone's attention back to them again,

They all laughed, at their back and forth banter that was going on for sometime now, 

"Come on, Macau listen to him, he's trying to help you" Vegas took the glass from the tray that was placed in front of them, everyone picking up their glasses to drink.

"What's wrong with these?" he came in front of Thankun who was blocking their view, he stood in the center of the hall showing his clothes to everyone there pointing them out.

"Well, i feel it's fine" pol said

"see" he turned back towards Thankun

"you're really going to take advice from a guy who have lived his whole life in a single uniform" Thankun raised his voice "No offence, though" 

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