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Author's pov :-

"Yes , he'll agree to anything we say right now" Thankun said leaning back while analyzing the file "we won't be getting a better opportunity than this one , consider this as the best one" he continued now pushing the file on the table.

"I don't think we should just jump in right now , what if he just disagree" Kinn replied now taking the file to have a look.

" I guess I'll go with Kinn on this one , we really need to maintain our ties with p'Aom , slightest inconvenience might risk breaking the allies" Vegas continued now picking the other file from the table.

"Well it's business it's suppose to be give and take , that's how you maintain your allies , if he can't benefit us when it's important then what's the use of having ties with them" .Thankun interrupted signaling Kinn to return back the file.

" I guess i agree with p'Thankun , we really have a good opportunity to set up our branch there right now " Pete replied taking the file from Vegas's hand to review it.

"Look , it's not even like we're clinging on to them , right now they need our help , they want to tie allies with us so why waste the opportunity , we help them get their enemy and in return we establish our branch there , it's a fair deal" Thankun said now sipping his tea.

The plan was simple help p'Aom get rid of the Italians and in return ask him to sell transportation business to them , it wasn't suppose to be a difficult negotiation as Aom's business was already in loss so it wouldn't be difficult for them to peruse him to give it up, is what all of them though.

Thankun got up from his seat indicating that he was no longer interested in the following conversation that would take place after he left ,as he was not the one who was going to the deal while taking his leave from the study he was interrupted by Vegas

" Don't you think it will be easier for us crack the deal if you be there"

"Field work is not my forte ,you know i don't like getting in the field ,I'm fine working from here " he replied indicating he won't get his hands dirty in this line of work.

Taking Thankun's suggestion a new strategy was build which suggested a lot of changes in the former planning , making Kinn , Porsche , Vegas and Pete the final members who would be the important assets in finalizing the deal

Leaving the study room , everyone joined the dinner table as their stomach grumbled and the slighted bit of aroma in the air tingled their nose overpowering their other senses , suggesting they all needed a break .

"where's Macau?" Thankun asked , serving food in his plate "didn't he come back yet" .

"he must be fast asleep right now" Pete responded while checking the time . " he was already tired , he had a a really long day and with the fest preparations going on , he's really stressed" Pete chuckled


"NO NO ,this was not at all decided, " Macau shouted his voice echoing in the whole room ,"no one said me anything about this , i will not be staying here"

"I know Macau this was not decided but how can we leave you back alone " Vegas reasoned back while trying to calm the growing range of Macau who was holding his bag ready to leave " it's just that we care about you, don't you think it's better to stay where you're safe"

"Macau , your brother is right , it's not even that far if you need anything you can always go back " Pete replied .

"Exactly my point , it's not even that far then why do i have to live here " Macau grumbled .

Witnessing the conversation between the brothers , Pete tried intertwining once more

"Macau you know that we're going for a business meeting right , and we also have more than one work to do , you know it's going to take more than a few days , do you want Vegas to be worrying about you instead of focusing on work now" Pete sternly replied making his stance clear.

"but seriously living with this crazy family i can't , come on i don't think P'Kinn would like the idea of me living alone in his house when he's not here , right p'Kinn" Macau turned towards Kinn now anticipating for an answer in his favor.

"Honestly speaking i was the one who suggest Vegas to leave you here , you'll be well protected , and you already know , we're going on field now ,which already has it's own disadvantages starting frome something like we might be making some enemies and others which i'm pretty sure you're aware of " kinn replied back

"and you won't be alone Thankun is here to take care of you"

"Did you ask p'Thankun i don't think he's best interest lies in babysitting someone , especially me , you can't just make decisions on someone's behalf phi" Macau said , folding his hands feeling proud of the valid argument he made.

"I was the one who suggested this " Thankun chirped making all the heads turn towards Thankun who was now standing there proudly , keeping his hand on the hips as if he won some battle.

Feeling completely defeated , after trying everything he finally gave in

"Please don't tell me even you were involved in this whole plan" looking towards Pete Macau grumbled .

"I actually convinced Vegas that you'll be safer here" Pete announced.

"So when do i shift," Macau asked having no choice left but to accept his fate , lost at words knowing no one's going to listen to him.

"Well all your important things are already packed and in the bag , you bought you're school back here , so pretty much today" Vegas replied leaving no room for any appeal

"FINE" he shouted leaving the hall , Stomping on the stairs as he moved towards his room

"left side Macau you're room is on the left , next to Kim's " Thankun shouted seeing the boy go in opposite direction

Hearing Tahnkun's voice he's legs gave up half way , standing in the lobby wondering was it really worth staying next to this man.

'Wow what are the odds , how shitty can my luck be ,

if there's any god listening to me now please make these following days bearable for me , if you guys can't make them good just don't make them worst and of all please please pleaaassseeee keep me away from kim , no actually keep HIM away from me .... anything's good as long as i don't have to see him'

Macau prayed folding his hands tightly to any god that was listening to him.

"Please come back alive and keep me updated on everything , and Vegas just because you guys are going to kill someone , doesn't mean you go on a killing spree , take care of Pete and don't worry about that little brat " Thankun commented in one breath.

Dropping them to the major family's front door Thankun stood there till the cars disappeared from his view indicating that he should get in now.

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