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Author's pov :-

Setting his bag on the table , Macau kept all his belongings in the bag before leaving the class to meet his friends in the canteen, hanging his bag to his back he moved in the corridor taking out his mobile from the pocket . 

Checking for any new notifications or messages that popped up during his class , he idly started scrolling the social media satisfied that he didn't miss anything important , moving past all the classes on the floor going  downstairs , while sliding his phone inside he received a call , 'ASHLY' the name was brightly lit on the screen to which he unconsciously received .

"Where are you heading to ?"Ashly shouted through the other end of the phone 

"I'm heading to the canteen now , I'll be there in just a minute , almost there ,I'm in the block ". Macau answered back . 

"well i won't be making it " Ashly said in a sad voice , before she could even reason with  Macau , he  shouted through the phone "why ? " .

 "That's because ,i have to attend the student council meeting and pat is busy in the debate club " . Ashly shouted back to match Macau's tone .

 "Both of you ? " Macau sneered back 

"yeah sorry, any ways did you know that the fine arts department had a graduation ceremony yesterday " she responded in an attempt to change the topic , which worked in her favor 

"No i didn't , what does it have to do with you guys not coming , don't try to change the topic ash " not completely though , 

Ashly sighed inwardly and continued "well nothing to do with us but didn't you hear anything about it at all , I'm not changing the topic this is like the hottest gossip in the campus right now" Ashly's high pitch could be heard in the mobile ,

 Macau knew that tone very well he sighed , 'gossip' she's got some seriously good stuff to share , "nope there is nothing weird going on here or any stuff that i know of , but WHAT IS IT? " Macau asked equally excited to know.

"So apparently there was a graduation ceremony of the fine arts seniors yesterday...."

 ."that's the gossip ..... really.....  that " he asked sarcastically

  "shut up let me speak first " Macau hummed in response 

"So the reason why WIK was present in the alumni meet is cause his ex is suppose to be our senior" Ashly hissed through the phone excitement laced in her voice . 

" so you're telling me that WIK's ex is suppose to be our senior for whom especially that man came to college "  Macau responded 

 "wow Macau you're actually smarter than you look"  Ashly clapped back

  "seriously ASH seriously... you really want me to believe this nonsense? "  Macau asked nonchalantly loosing his interest in the conversation . 

"yeah it seems he was there in the ceremony when they all were receiving their  certificates , that's why he came late to our hall" Ashly continued

 "look ash i really don't have time for this nonsense who cares"  was all Macau could answer in response trying not to sound irritated 

" oh please !!, you and not interested , any ways  wouldn't you want to know who that is " Ashly asked with a hint of mischief in her voice.

Taking a seat in the hall was already a task for Macau but right now trying to concentrating on two things at the same time was a unmanageable due to the crowd at this hour , moving to the side of the block Macau continued the conversation avoiding people

 "well it wouldn't hurt to know who it was i guess" he replied curiosity leaping in ." Porchay Pitchaya kittisawat" she whispered .

 " Oh isn't that the guy who secured 1st rank all over right? , can't believe he managed to keep up his rank even after having time for all this stuff lol"  HE said chumming .

" dude that's rude " she hissed back

 "what did you say the name was again....." .

 "ok i have to leave now , cau bye see you later. " Ashly replied ending the phone call to rush back to her class .

" Wait what did you say the name was?" Macau asked again but the line beeped instead of any reply from the other side .

While keeping the phone back in his pocket , he moved swiftly to join the line to pick something to eat .

The only thought lingering in his brain was Kim's ex , taking his mobile out from the pocket one more time , but this time to call pat , he saw one of his classmate ,

"ARAN " he shouted running to join him.

The tall thin boy turned to look in Macau's direction smiling , he waved back to Macau signaling to come over . Tearing through the crowd Macau reached the boy, taking a significantly long breath 

" Aran what's the name of the guy who scored first rank in fine arts? " Macau asked without any formality between them 

" P'soun? " Aran questioned back curiously 

" No no not our he, i meant the one who graduated , they had the graduation ceremony yesterday" Macau explained

 "oh you mean WIK'S ex? " Aran practically shouted , feeling that the whole buzzing room went silent , made  the boys embarrassed .

" yes " Macau whispered this time.

"P'porschay pit..." before Aran could complete his answer ,

 Macau was dragged through the crowed . "Ouch that hurts leave my hand" Macau shouted trying to free his hand from the clutches of the man.

 He was finally dragged to the locker room which was empty and pushed back to the wall by Kim, holding him hostage between his hands.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Kim hissed through hi s teeth gripping Macau's collar tightly closing the distance between them .

 " what do you mean by what am i doing , you're hurting me " Macau replied with a cackled voice , trembling down

 "please leave me" he asked with pleading  eyes at the situation he was stuck in right now , trying to understand  what just happened. 

" Why are you snooping around Porchay , what do you need from him" Kim asked ignoring Macau's plea with a clenched jaw.

Anger visibly seeping through him now , his hand moving from the collar of the uniform to Macau's throat gripping him 

"I'm not doing anything....  i just .... wante want to ..... it ... hurt's...." Macau  tried answering to him while struggling to breath trying to free himself from Kim's grab as tears started streaming down . 

Finally Kim released his hand from Macau's throat leaving light red marks by his fingers ,  Macau started panting for air filling his lungs once again , feeling the pain on the marks that were left.

Kim grabbed his collar once more and came dangerously closed whispering in his ear "If i ever see you take his name from that filthy mouth of yours's or anywhere near him i won't hesitate to hurt you next time , just because you can enter our home and sit with us doesn't mean you're anywhere near our status , don't forget where you come from or what your status is here , you guys have always been fitly and you'll always be , just because i let you slide yesterday doesn't mean you get on our heads , you low life piece of shit" 

, moving his hands from Macau's collar he finally went away leaving Macau with trembling lips as, his eyes started burning trying to keep his tears at bay

 ,leaving Macau to wonder, how long does he have to suffer for the sins committed by his father , is he going to be punished for the unknown acts of his father always 

 was being born in minor family already that big of a sin.   

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