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"We have to get your leg checked today," Pol said while driving ,his eyes still fixed on the road.

Macau didn't answer , leaning towards the car's door, his head faced towards the window, seeing the city.

"Macau," Pol asked again, but to no avail. "Did you fail or something?" he tried again, trying to ignite the other person , but failed to do so.

He moved his hands from the steering wheel tapping Macau "Macau" he tries again, grabbing his attention at this point.

"Yeah, I'm sorry , you were saying something," Macau said, turning towards him,

"Are you fine?" he asked

"Yeah, yeah, i was just occupied with my work . You said something?" he asked, trying to ease Pol's concerns

"Your leg," He says again, now a little relieved.

"My leg?" he asked, confused

Pol was concerned about his behavior but refrained from saying anything , Macau didn't pry further as he had his own issues to sort out.

"I'm home," he announced, entering inside. He kept the paper bag on the coffee table in front of him and went to his room, taking the elevator. Pol, who entered after him, took the paper bag and kept it on the dining table , leaving the little treat unguarded for the time being to go back to his work.

"Thanks, Phi," Kim announces as he stumbles around the dessert, which is on the dining table for some time now . He goes to the kitchen, taking his cutlery and placing it on the table ready to enjoy his little treat.

He Takes the box out of the paper bag placing it aside and opens the box slowly "wow never thought he'll remember" he smiles "weird , why is this squished" he checks the box by placing it in is hands 'well if it was in the box it's safe' he shrugs ,eating it with a smile on his face.

"Thanks, phi never thought you would actually bring one," he says, shaking the paper bag which he had set aside in his hand happily satisfied with his treat as Thankun walked in towards the counter

"What's that?" Thankun asks as he moves towards him to see the bag. "I have no idea whatever that is."

"You didn't bring the pastry," Kim asked a little surprise as he was shoving the last bite in his mouth. 

"No, i didn't , i was actually going to send Arm now , you said chocolate, right?" Thankun asked, scanning the room to find someone for his order.

"Then who bought this?" Kim asked a little bothered by his action . He placed his plate back in the kitchen while seeing Thankun for a reply

"I don't know," Thankun replied back. "Oh my God, Kim, do you just pick up anyone's food randomly?" Thankun glared at Kim

"I thought you bought it for me cause you told me , you were in the mood of eating one so i thought you already bought" Kim defended himself wiping his hands and keeping back the cutlery after washing them in their original places "Anyhow it was tasty ...... so i don't mind, " Kim said, leaving the kitchen .

"Don't you want to know who bought that , i mean someone bought it for themself and you ate it shamelessly" Thankun followed Kim in the living hall who switched on the TV lying comfortably on the sofa changing channels to watch something interesting.

" Well, I'll just buy them another one . What else do you want me to do?" Kim replied back keeping the remote to his side as he found what he wanted to watch.

Both of them bickered for quite a while, not coming to any conclusion at all . Their bickering was interrupted by Pol, who entered abruptly hearing the loud voices in the hall , he seemed to be in hurry .

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