Episode 25: VS Tsubasa, Clash of Souls

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Come on come on...

Where is she?

Tsubasa: If you intend to waste my time any longer, then you can wish this useless town goodbye.

Cloud: Biki will be here! She will!

Malty: Yeah! And if you want a fight that bad, then I'm right here!

She huffled and didn't move.

Tsubasa: Hmph, your not worth my time.

Malty: That's an insult to other swordsman you know.

She didn't respond to me this time. I groan while gripping the handle of my sword.

Okita: D-do you think master will be here? She's later then she promised.

Malty: She'll be here, I know she will. We just-


I look to the mountains as I feel an energy. It's unfamiliar but also familiar....Could it be?

Miku: You sense it too?

Malty: Yeah. That energy.

From the clouds, I see the energy vanish, revealing it to be (Y/N).

Cloud: It's Biki! It has to be Biki!

As she says that, she lands Infront of us, her feet sliding against the ground for a bit before she fully came to a stop. I feel a smile come to my face as I see her back facing us.


As I landed Infront of everyone, I let out a deep breath before fully standing.

(Y/N): Man, I'm glad I made it.

Cloud: Biki!

Along with Cloud, I hear some excitement from the other civilians. I turn and give them a thumbs up. As I see Malty's smile, my own gets bigger.

Tsubasa: So, you finally show your face.

I turn to Tsubasa and lose my smile.

(Y/N): I would say I'm sorry to keep you waiting, but I'm not sorry.

She huffed before drawing her sword.

Tsubasa: I was unprepared during our previous encounter. But now, you will die.

I see her eyes glow blue. In turn, I let my power start to grow as well.

(Y/N): Going to use your Clear Mind too huh? Guess I won't have to hold back as well.

I feel her power rising as I raise my own. Her eyes shine brighter briefly as a blue aura covered her.

Tsubasa: Awaken, my Clear Mind!

(Y/N): Open, Clear Mind!

As I see her burst into a blue light, my power also explodes. As I swipe away my energy, I see her dash at me with her sword raised. I block with my gautlet as I hold a clash with her.

 I block with my gautlet as I hold a clash with her

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