Authors note

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(These are the creatures and places that will adventure on in the book)

-Cerberus:  A multi headed dog guarding the gates of the underworld

-Minotaur: A creature with the body of a human but a head if a bull

-Basilisk: A legendary reptile reputed to be a serpent king who can cause death at a single glance

-Leviathan: A massive sea creature,that causes abyss and chaos

-Gorgons:women who have hair like snakes

_Rakshasas:shape shifting monster

Three realms

#Hell,regions and inhabitants

- Inferno city;  where hells gate is located,basically the capital of hell
where by its ruled by the princes of hell and his loyal servants the demonites.

Abyssal plains.

- ruled by medusa
- land of the snakes

- where the most dangerous demon entities lie
-imprisoned souls and entities
-Under the rule of Hades

The cursed forest

-Ruled by Rakshasas
-Also known as the land of no return

The river styx

- Dark river that must be crossed to reach deeper hell
-souls of the dead
-,leviathans domain

The labyrinth of lost souls

-Birth place of minotaurs

The void of oblivion

_ Under the rule of basilik
- endless expanse of nothingness

Vampires dominion

-Home to the vampire lords and blood servant

The Grim reapers vale

-Eerie value of grim reapers
-Home to skeletal cresturs

Witchs coven

-Home to all witches.   

#    Nether world
- shadow lands,the twilight field,ghostly ,ruins
-spirits,lost souls,neither guardians


- location where the realms  meet
- portals between the realms.