chapter seven:Distance

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Mordecai's POV

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Mordecai's POV

We hadn't even started the journey and someone had already lost there life due to a fools incompetence. The look on Azazels face was something new,i've never seen that look on his face,ever. It was almost as if it didn't belong to him,shouldn't belong to him. He was devil and always would be,but for some reason he looks at her like his been star struck. The thought about him liking her makes my blood boil. But then again what kind of person would want to be with me, i mean i'm dead,living in the land of the dead. No meat in my bones just a skeleton through and through. I wondered if i could ever love,but i knew i couldn't as much as i wanted to. The plain difference between me,Azazel and Aurelius is that they have a heart,and i don't. And also Aurelius isn't a nut sack like the devil kid.

I kept on thinking out loud,i didn't realize Aurelius was standing in front of me.

"You know i can here you right?",he said his voice cold as ever.

How could someone like Alexander like him i mean his literally emotionless.

"Umm... Hey" i said suddenly losing my cool.

"What about Alex",he said "do you think his hiding something?"

Knowing Aurelius,his hunch has always been right. Like it or not we live in hell and everyone basically knows everybody. The day she died, hell which is normally hot and and full of screams of humans,was a frozen thaundra. His anger swept through out the entire realm,I've never seen him so broken before. Aurelius and i may not be friends but we sure no how to respect each other. His best friend,Lucas bloodworth is what i'd call my acquaintance but he insist that were friends. Lucas told me Aurelius had stepped down and was planning on giving the crown to someone else. I was shocked and very much displeased,but the someone else they were referring to was one that i could hardly believe. I'd rather give the crown to a demonite than to his asshole of a brother. His not even doing anything,all his there for is for the glory,nothing but the glory. You can't have glory without a name i thought,it just wasn't right.

"No!,i don't know." I finally said as i realized Aurelius was about to head back.

"Hmm" , was all he said and left not sparing me a single glance.

"Hmm" , was all he said and left not sparing me a single glance

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After Lunna had been resurrected,Azazel had been acting quit off. He kept asking if she was cold and if could warm her up. Lunna initially thought he was being a jerk with some sexual innuendo,but he actually meant it. She thought he did all of this due to guilt eating him up but she was wrong,well she guessed. He was genuinely sorry and never would have thought of causing her harm.

Azazel had been scared to lose her,she realized it now but she didn't understand. She needed to understand. She parted the log next to her since she and the gang were camping out her,everyone in there various routes. In the cursed forest one could not tell the difference between day or night,neither could they tell the climate change because as of now it was chilly. He sat down,feeling on edge,wanting to apologize again but was cut off by the fact that Lunna had rested her head on his shoulder. He looked at her in bewilderment and she simply said " i'm tired,i wanna sleep,and you're radiating heat that keeps me warm" her voice almost like a whisper,it soothe him to the core.

Azazel gulped hard and muttered curses under his breath due to him being extremely dirty minded,and she could not help but laugh .

She moved the stands of hair away from his eyes. She liked his eye color- no she loved it. His dark red pupils,which in the presence of sunlight looked like dark diamonds dipped in bloodwhere starring into her soul deeply. She knew she liked him; she wasn't stupid enough to deny that.

Azazel's presence was intoxicating. His warmth ,his raw intensity,all of it drew in her. She could feel the heat between them,a tension that was both palpable and electriying.

His eyes ,those mesmerizing pupils seemed to have burn into her very being,igniting a fire within her that she couldn't extinguish.

Lunna's hand moved on its own,tracing the line of his jaw,feeling the roughness of his stubble. She could see the struggle in his eyes,the battle between his desire and his restraint. She leaned in closer,her breath mingling with his,the air around them thick with unspoken need.

Her lips brushed against his,a feather  light touch that sent a shiver down her spine. She could feel his body tense,his muscles coiling like a predator ready to pounce. She deepened the kiss,pouring all her confusion,her longing,and her new found understanding into it. His response was  immediate and overwhelming. He  pulled her closer,his arms wrapping around her with a possessive strength that made her feel both safe and utterly vulnerable.

Their kiss grew more intense,more demanding,each of their tongues exploring the others mouth with a desperation both from the fear of loss and the thrill of rediscovery.
His hands roamed her body,leaving a trail of fire in their wake. She matched his fervor,her own hands exploring the hard planes of his chest,the tautness of his muscles.

The world around them disappeared ,leaving just the two of them,lost in each other. Lunna could feel the barriers between them shattering their connection deepening with every touch,every kiss. It was raw,it was exquisite,and it was unlike anything she had experienced before.

Azazel's lips left hers,trailing hot kisses down her neck,his breath hot and heavy against her skin. She gasped,her body aching towards him,craving more of his touch. He whispered her name,a rough desperate sound that sent a thrill through her as she fought back a moan.

In that moment,Lunna knew that this was where she belonged,in his arms,with his heart laid bare before her. They were bound together by something deeper than mere attraction. It was a connection forged in fire,in pain,and in the undeniably truth that they needed each other.

As they pulled out of their embrace,there face sweaty,and both of them gasping for air ,they were about to laugh before they laid there eyes on a pair of dark gloomy eyes which conceited nothing but hate. The pair of eyes which they could barely see due to the dark robe and shawl lingered on Azazel with nothing but death written on it.

"Mordecai,leave them alone" Aurelius said in a bored yet authoritative tone as he and Alexander approached where they were.

Mordecai seemed to be contemplating something then he vanished,leaving nothing but smoke behind.
Lunna and Alexander where in shock due to the scenario that just played on but Aurelius and Azazel knew that they needed not to care for he was only behaving childish in this situation.

They were cut of by a clap coming from the trees not far from where they a stood. The clap grew louder and so did the person or creatures foot steps.

And at that point when Lunna was feeling all happy and giddy inside,her worst fear immerged from the shadows.
