chapter 3: Clash of destinies

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Hey its Dark-usher hope y'all enjoying the book
It would really help if y'all commented so id no my flaws in other to be better.

Aurelius's POV

Despite being a cold blooded vampire ,i couldn't deny my growing fascination with Alexander. There was something about him that intrigued me, something mysterious that i couldn't quite put my finger on. As we stood on the cliff where we first met,i found myself observing him close. His hair fell slightly over his face,partially covering his green eyes,which appears almost bronze in the sunlight. I watched the way his muscles contracted with each breath he took,realizing with a start i was taking in every detail.
Breaking the silence,i asked ," Why?"

Alexander looked confused at first ,then it dawned on him that he had teleported us here,leaving the others in the inbetween-the place where the portal between Earth and Hell intersected. He took a deep breath and,almost in a whisper said "I'm sorry".

His sudden change in demeanor caught me off guard,and i shrugged it off. "What are we doing back at the cliff?"

A small enigmatic smile played in his lips. "To end things before war begins".

I glanced at him,my eyes in avertertly focusing on his lips.They were plump and red a stark contrast to his otherwise rugged appearance.

"You're not going to take your life, " i said firmly. "I won't let you".

Alexander's smile faded as he seemed to study me,trying to understand my motives. "Why do you care?" ,he asked.

"Life is too short for humans to waste away in grief",i replied."you're privilege to see the clear blue sky everyday,to breath fresh air. Not everyone is confined to a world of freewill,some are confined to a world of heat and darkness".

Alexander pondered my words for moment." That still doesn't explain why you care", his gaze penetrating.

I could only shrug in response unable to articulate the complexity of my feelings . We fell silent,each lost in our thoughts,taking in the breathtaking scenery around us.


Meanwhile ,back at the inbetween, Mordecai and Azazel were still at each others throats,hurling insults like children

"You're about as useful as a screen door on a submarine!" Azazel shouted ,his face twisted with rage.

"Oh,that's rich coming from someone whose best idea of a strategy is " 'burn it all down' " Mordecai retorted ,rolling his eyes.

Lunna ,exasperated by their antics,tried to focus on her magical orb,hoping to locate Alexander and Aurelius. She muttered incantations under her breath,the orb glowing softly as she concentrated.

Just as the bickering reached its peak,with Mordecai's and Azazel nearly coming to blows, a sudden oppressive silence fell over them.

Satan, one of the princes of Hell, appeared before them. His expression anything but pleased .
"What is the meaning of this chaos?" Satan demanded ,his voice a low growl that reverberated though the inbetween.

Mordecai and Azazel stopped their squabbling,standing to attention like chastised schoolboys . Lunna abandoned her efforts with the orb , turned to face the prince with a mix of fear and respect.

"We... we were trying to retrieve Alexander", Mordecai stammered,unable to meet satan's gaze.

"And where are they now ?" Satan's eyes blazed with barely contained fury.

Lunna swallowed hard. "They vanished ,we're not sure where they went ".

Satan's eyes narrowed,his displeasure palpable. "You have all failed miserably ,you the witch, find them. Now. Before more damage is done."

With that ,he disappeared as abruptly as he had arrived ,leaving the group in a tense,uneasy silence. They knew they had no choice but to obey,their mission more urgent and fraught with peril than ever before.

"Where seriously not gonna report back to him,right ?" Lunna said with uneasiness as even if she feared him and his brothers and everything they stood for,she wasn't gonna allow anyone take alexander away neither would she let them take Aurelius. All she thought about was whether if Azazel and Mordecai would betray them or stick to the plan,well her plan.

What y'all think about Mordecai and Azazel?