chapter eighteen

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>>>Unbreakable bonds

As they approached the grand entrance of the vampire castle, the sound of trumpets grew louder, echoing through the air like a symphony of darkness. The castle itself was a marvel of Gothic architecture, its walls and towers made of gleaming red glass that seemed to shimmer and glow in the flickering torchlight. The gates were adorned with intricate ironwork, shaped like twisted serpents and bats, which appeared to writhe and flutter in the breeze.

As they stepped through the entrance, the maids, whose names were Raven and Scarlet, led them into a grand hall with a ceiling that seemed to disappear into darkness. The walls were lined with crimson tapestries, embroidered with gold and silver thread, depicting scenes of ancient battles and mythological creatures. The floor was made of polished black marble, reflecting the light of the crystal chandeliers like a still pond.

The gardens surrounding the castle were a labyrinth of twisted paths and hidden alcoves, filled with rare and exotic flowers that bloomed in every color of the night. The air was heavy with the scent of jasmine and blood roses, and the sound of soft music seemed to drift on the wind, played on instruments that seemed to whisper secrets to the shadows.

"Welcome, Your Majesties," Raven and Scarlet said in unison, their voices like a gentle breeze on a summer night. "We bid you enter the domain of the eternal, where the damned and the divine entwine like the tendrils of a dark and ancient vine."

As they spoke, the doors to the great hall swung open, revealing a sea of faces, all turned towards them with eyes that burned like embers in the dark. The vampires of the coven stood assembled, their faces a blur of beauty and horror, their eyes fixed on the newcomers with nothing but bewilderment and then back to there kings which one had ran away and the other had died .

Aurelius and Damian exchanged a glance, their faces set in determined lines, as they stepped forward into the heart of the vampire's lair, surrounded by the opulence and horror of the underworld


In the chambers of Aurelius and Alexander:

"Your home is so beautiful, Aurelius. It's really mesmerizing," Alexander remarked, his voice tinged with genuine admiration.

"Thank you. I'm glad you like it," Aurelius replied, a warm smile gracing his lips.

Aurelius gazed at Alexander with an intensity that made the air between them thrum with anticipation. He leaned down, about to capture Alexander's lips in a fervent kiss, when Alexander pulled back abruptly.

"I think we should talk about us first, before anything happens. Don't you think? I deserve the truth, you know."

"Yes, you're right," Aurelius said with a sigh, his shoulders slumping slightly. "What do you want to know?"

"I want to know everything from the very beginning," Alexander demanded, his face a mask of emotionless resolve.


In Damian's chambers:

"You requested to see me?" Ziab asked as he entered his mate's chambers, embracing Damian from behind.

"Ziab, we need to talk," Damian said, his voice wavering with uncertainty.

"Ziab, you know I love you, right?" Damian began, each word punctuated by heavy breaths.

"Yes, Damian, I know you do," Ziab replied, kissing Damian's jawline tenderly.

"But you know I can't be with you, right?"

"What?" Ziab's voice was filled with shock as he pulled away from Damian.

"Ziab, I love someone else. I can't deceive myself."

"It's because of him, isn't it? That...that *delkan*! He killed you, and me because we slept together. We are mates; there's no way..."

"But I don't love you to be with you. Just because we're mates doesn't mean we have to be together," Damian said, frustration creeping into his voice.

"That's exactly what it means, for all eternity. I can't believe this," Ziab spat, his form beginning to contort and shift.

Damian watched in horror as Ziab began to transform. His skin rippled and tore, scales erupting from beneath. Muscles bulged and bones cracked, elongating into the monstrous form of a full-blown dragon. His eyes glowed with a fierce, unearthly light, and wings sprouted from his back, unfurling with a snap that echoed through the chamber.

"Because of him," Ziab snarled, his voice now a deep, guttural roar. "Because of him, you want to break the bond. You cannot do that! You have no right, Damian Nightshade."

Ziab's voice reverberated through the castle walls, causing glass to shatter and the ground to tremble.

"Take it back, Damian. Take it back now."

"It's not just because of him," Damian interrupted, his eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and resolve. "It's because of what he represents. Lucas and I... we share something that goes beyond mere attraction or the bond of mates. He understands me in ways you never could. With Lucas, I feel alive, I feel whole. It's a connection I cannot give up."

"Impossible"ziab roared.

"No. I reject you as my mate," Damian said, his voice firm and unyielding.

A horrific scream tore from Ziab's throat, echoing with pain and rage.

The chamber doors burst open, and Lucas, Aurelius, and others rushed in. Before anyone could react, Lucas was struck down, blood splattering everywhere.

"Lucas!" Aurelius shouted, horror etched on his face.

Ziab's transformation was complete. He towered over them, a formidable dragon, his scales glinting menacingly in the dim light. His breath came in fiery huffs, and his eyes burned with a fury that seemed to set the very air ablaze.

"You have doomed us all, Damian," Ziab roared, his voice a thunderous boom. "Our bond is eternal. You cannot sever it without consequences."

As Ziab's rage intensified, the castle began to shake violently. Walls cracked, and debris rained down from the ceiling. The ground beneath their feet heaved and buckled.

Damian stood his ground, his eyes never leaving Ziab's. "I can't be with you, Ziab. My heart belongs to Lucas. I won't live a lie."

Ziab's roar was deafening, a sound of pure, unrestrained anguish. "You will regret this, Damian! You will regret this betrayal!"

With a final, furious scream, Ziab lunged at Damian. But before he could reach him, Aurelius and the others intervened, using their combined strength to hold him back.

"Damian, get out of here!" Aurelius shouted over the chaos.

Damian hesitated for a moment, his eyes locking with Lucas's pained gaze. Then, with a heavy heart, he turned and fled the chamber, leaving behind the wreckage of a bond that could never be mended.

As Damian disappeared from sight, the fight to contain Ziab's wrath continued. But the damage was done. The castle lay in ruins, and the echoes of heartbreak and betrayal lingered in the air, a somber reminder of the price of love and the cost of truth.

Lucas lay motionless on the floor, blood pooling around him. Aurelius knelt beside him, desperately trying to staunch the flow. "Stay with me, Lucas," he pleaded, his voice breaking.