chapter 4: Bond by fates

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Alexander POV

The silence between Aurelius and me stretched on,heavy with unspoken thoughts and feelings. He was observing me closely,his eyes trailing the contours of my face,my hair and every movement i made. I felt a strange pull towards him,something that both comforted and terrified me,finally,i broke the silence.

"I wanted to end it all because of my powers". I began ,my voice barely above a whisper." You see,i have the ability to see the future-visions that come without warning,showing me endless suffering,death and destruction. It's overwhelming,and i feel powerless to stop it. Every time i try to change the future,the visions just adapt twisting into even darker outcomes."

Aurelius looked at me with a mix of empathy and curiosity. "I understand more than you think", he said softly. "I was once the most powerful vampire towards the entire of hell,i was the king. I had it all,power,respect,you name it. Everyone feared me at the mention of my name,other malevolent creatures would Cower in fear but all that changed when i met,
her.She changed me,i fell deeply in love with her.

His words intrigued me,and i listened intently as he continued. "One night,we had an argument. I threw a vase ,causing it to shatter in pieces. She then went to clean it up and accidentally cut herself,causing her to bleed. I lost control, my inner demon taking over ,and i ... I killed her. Drank her dry. It was a thousand years ago but it only felt like it had been yesterday. Nothing mattered any more. I stepped down from being the king,giving the crown to my asshole of a half brother. Everyone i knew stood against it, my bestfriend tried to talk some sense into me but to no avail ,i just couldn't take it anymore.

I could see the pain in metallic gorgeous silver eyes as he relieved the memories. It resonated with my own feelings,well somehow thou. I felt kinda guilty for lying to him about my reason to commit suicide but i couldn't just tell the him the actual reason,he couldn't no that i'm a broken toy,and my mental illness gets the best of me.

We talked more for what seems like hours until we eventually got bored and just stared at the beautiful waterfall at the other side of the cliff.

I didn't even know when my hand intertwine in his ,causing him to shudder slightly and he tilted my head with his finger and we were leaning in for a kiss. Then i asked him a question."You can read my mind but you don't,why?"

And all he said was " i have a feeling that i can trust you",in a rather husky voice and he pressed his lips to mine.

The kiss was nothing rough,yet not soft,it was rather passionate and the both of us grew breathless and rested our heads together .

Just then,Lunna and the others appeared,there sudden intrusion breaking the moment. I felt irritated and so was Aurelius.

Lunna quickly explained everything that had transpired ,filling us in on every detail. I listened ,my mind racing with the implications.

Aurelius,with a new found determination,turned to the group . "Alexander ,will not be harmed,we will all do our best to protect him and we can find another means to restore the balance rather than having him being killed. We are going back to Hell'sgate."

Azazel stepped forward,clearly annoyed." And who put you in charge vamp boy?" He snapped

Aurelius towered over him,his presence intimidating. " I did,and unless you want to be cut of limb from limb i suggest you back off and no your place,daddies pet" he said back at him causing azazel to growl. But i could tell Azazel was afraid of Aurelius which made me do a little happy dance in my mind.

The situation was dire ,the disruption between the human and supernatural realms was causing the earth to collapse,evidence by distant screams of dying people which we could hear that was miles away.

Mordecai spoke up,his voice grave. "We need to restore the balance ,there are elements which we can use in other to do so. But we must like what Aurelius stated go back to Hell's gate so that we could go to the semi realms in hell. We should start of with the cursed forest. I'd explain everything as we are going."

Everyone seemed shocked for a moment and seemly starred at him,Aurelius asked him why he actually complied to this since he was a grimreaper but all he said was something to make my heart flutter. "I don't wanna die again,judging that i'm already dead. Besides your going to end me if i murder your boyfriend,"he said that with a smirk and we went off.