chapter one

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The wind howled as Alexander teetered on the edge of the cliff,the abyss below beckoning him to end his suffering. His mind swirled with the weight of his emotional trauma ,the pain too much to bear. Just as he closed his eyes and let go,a shadow swooped in,catching him mid-fall.

Aurelius the vampire ,had been wandering the mountains ,drawn by a disturbance he couldn't quite place. He caught Alexander effortlessly , cradling him in his arms as they landed safely away from the edge. The moment their bodies connects,a ripple of dark energy surged through the air ,tearing a rift in the fabric of reality . The three-realms-Earth,Hell,and Nether- trembled in response.

Hell's gate ,a place of internal torment and suffering ,was now the scene of an urgent assembly. The princes of hell,demons,vampires,grins,goblins and other malevolent creatures gathered,their roars and howls filling the air with chaos. Only the wiccans were absent ,their hatred for demons keeping them away from this infernal meeting.

The princes of hell stood at the center of chaos,their eyes blazing with anger. They demanded answers from Aurelius,the vampire who had saved a human and disrupted the balance. Aurelius,however,seemed indifferent to their fury. He stood silently,his mind elsewhere.

"This is an abomination" said Satan,his demonic eyes burning  with rage." Why save a mere  human,Aurelius?"
Aurelius looked up,his gaze cold and unyielding,"I owe you no explanation," he replied,his voice like ice. The thought he knew they would mention his past had triggered a flicker of pain in his eyes,a pain he had long buried. Without another word,he turned and walked out,no one daring to stop him as he left the assembly in uproar.

Mordecai,a grim reaper bound by his duty to maintain balance of life and death ,followed  Aurelius out. "You disrupted the timeline,Aireliys" he said,his tone accusatory. "You prevented a death that was meant to happen. This imbalance could have severe consequences".

Aurelius stopped,turning to face mordecai "I did what i wanted to do. What does it matter to you?"

"It matters  because it's my duty to ensure deaths occur as destined.You've thrown everything out of balance," Mordecai insisted.

Their confrontation  was interrupted by a commotion nearby. Lunna, a witch, had been captured by minotaurs and was about to be executed. Her defiant eyes met Aurelius's for a moment before Azazel ,son of the demon lord,intervened. "Not now", Azazel commands,his presence commanding instant obedience. He had his reasons ,ones he kept hidden from others.

As the tension subsided Azazel tells them the ghouls had abducted the human boys soul and it was held captive in the dungeons. The realization sparked different motivations within each of them. Lunna saw Alexander as a symbol of new hope for the realms, Mordecai viewed him as the key to restoring balance in the timeline by allowing his death,Azazel who had other selfish reasons besides trying to please his father and Aurelius,however was driven by a deeper ,more personal reason.

He  needed to understand why Alexander had wanted to end his life,for Aurelius longed for normalcy that Alexander had desperately tried to escape.

The unlikely group formed a fragile alliance ,each driven by their own agendas but united by a common goal of rescuing Alexander, as they prepared to embark,their weight of their decision hung heavily over them,knowing that their actions could reshape the fate of the realms

The journey ahead was fraught with danger but it was one they had to undertake, as they approached the dungeon,the air grew colder,and the darkness thickened ,each step taking them deeper into the unknown . Their resolve was tested ,but they pressed on,driven by their purposes and the enigmatic human boy who unknownling held the key to their fates.