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Mordecai being a grim reaper that he is,had an aura that described him being devoid of all emotions. And the only way he could get out of the maze was simply by supressing every ounce of emotion he had,not that he had any.

He reached the center of the maze,and was surprised to see a portal. He went through it and was met face to face with the most gorgeous pavilion,he thought. Seated at the pavilion was a Minotaur,who was surrounded by other Minotaurs.It was obvious that the beast seated was there rightful leader,what really gave it away was the self righteous smirk he had on.

"Welcome,i see you made it out finally. My name is Zikander and i'm happy to tell you your the first of your team to make it out". He stated and Mordecai scoffed.

"It wasnt a competition bull", he spat irritatedly.
Where are my fr.... I mean mates." He inwardly cursed himself for his slip of tongue.

"Their still at the maze am afraid,and neither of them are doing very well."Zikander said his expression grim.

"Tsk" Mordecai scoffed.


Mordecai demanded the essence and  told the minotaur to let his companions go,due to the fact he had already completed the maze and time was not on their side. Zikander refused,insisting they must face there trials alone and figure out a way to overcome them,though he offered guidance.

Mordecai watched,from a portal as Aurelius was still ensnared in the arms of his  long -lost wife. He knew Alexander meant nothing to him. Aurelius wanted something Alex had but he couldn't guess what. Alexander bring a broken kid who took pills to keep his head in check. Mordecai knew alexander's pain and suffering as well as his very own life. Mordecai was Alexanders personal grim reaper ,thou he vowed not to tell him yet.
It made him wonder how Alexander thought a cold hearted vampire could fall in love with him and show him care. He had almost believed it,back at the cursed forest. But now he knew Aurelius's game,and he had to admit he played well.

Aurelius said things he didn't quite grasp to his wife. Mordecai had never liked her,he always knew she was off no matter how many times Aurelius tried to sugar coat it.

Soon after,Aurelius appeared out of the maze and in his usual demeanor he didn't even acknowledge Zikander nor  Mordecais presence.

"So your cheating on your boyfriend?" Mordecai said with a sheepish grin even if he knew Aurelius couldn't see it.

Aurelius flinched,and faced Mordecai with a 'WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY EXPRESSION'

"He was never my boyfriend grim." He said with a shrug admiring the beautiful scenery.

"You can't keep on denying it Aurelius,you no who Alexander is to you or should i spell it out for you" Mordecai said with a scoff then chuckled knowing that he had struck a nerve.

"I refuse to let the gods pick my mate for me,a mate is someone you choose not some dorky people wearing white robes in the sky" Aurelius stated through gritted teeth while clenching his fits. "Don't you ever say that again you here me,not in front of Alexander,no body. Or i promise you i'll make you appear more dead than you are.

"His more sensible than Aiedail you know,assuming you really love her". Mordecai said sarcastically.
"Besides Lunna likes him and Azazel is warming up to him and me as his grim is looking out for him,till he dies eventually. You could have just made things easier by letting him fall of the cliff you know but no,
You had to just fuck things up and ruin the Realms." Mordecai said as he hissed now seated on a stool the minotaurs provided for him.

"Woah,you almost sound human with what you just said",Aurelius teased but was interrupted when Azazel and Lunna appeared from both ends of the walls.

Azazel's eyes was bloody shot red and his skin pale. He walked to where Lunna stood and embraced her not wanting to let her go.

Lunnas figure marred by burns and scars,the result a brutal confrontation.

"I killed my mother Azazel",she said through tears that silently fell on his shoulders.

He didn't say anything but simply held her. He knew Lunnas lineage,back when he had teased her at the bridge. He called her mother a whore for selling her body to a demon. Hades,the god of the tatarus was Lunnas father ,something she wasn't very proud of.

They all waited for Alexander,anxiety gnawed at them. When he finally appeared,he was a sight of horror,bloodied and numb,his face hidden by matted hair. His struggle to maintain composure struck fear in the hearts of his companions. Aurelius reached out to embrace him but was cut of by Lunna who held Alexander dearly,comforting him. Mordecai knew she was speaking to deaf ears as Alexander looked dead.

Zikander revealed that the essence had been transported to earth,the human realm,offering no specifics on its location.

Time was slipping away and Mordecai's pendant indicated a growing imbalance and the labyrinth started to crumble. Zikander and his servants rushed putting up a force filled around the pavilion but how long would it hold.

Mordecai eventually came up with a plan,knowing that they had to speed the process up as it was remaining  four more essence to stop the realms from falling apart.

Two essence were in earth realm,one in the pits of tatarus and one at hell's gate .

Aurelius and Alexander to earth,Lunnas and Azazel to the pits of tatarus and Mordecai would return to his home,to retrieve something that could momentarily stabilize the realms. Then they'd go to Hell's gate in the end,hoping it would all be over.

As each group embarked on the perilous mission,the haunting questions remained;

Did the princes know they were here?

Would they try to stop them

What were they planning

When would they attack

How much time do we gave left

And the most important, What had Alexander encountered in the maze that left him more broken than before.