chapter fifteen:

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sorry for the late update been super busy loves😓
Enjoy 😍😘


### Title: "Shadows of Sovereignty

**Mordecai's POV:**

It's been so long since I've been home. Perhaps it's because I dread the inevitability of my father forcing me into rulership. My people would accept it, but I still have 2000 years before I can rule Grims Vale.

"Greetings, Father," I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "A thousand years feels like a day too long."

"Mordecai," he replied, his tone as cold and unyielding as ever. "The prodigal son returns at last."

"How are you and your friends keeping the balance?" he asked, eyes gleaming with a twisted amusement. "You know, you could have told them, right?"

"Spare me the lectures, Father. I'm here for the Eternity Orb," I said, eyes fixed on the glowing sphere that maintained the realms' equilibrium.

"You know the price, Mordecai. You'll have to ascend the throne, lead the Order of the Scythe," he intoned, his voice a grave echo in the dark hall.

"I don't want the throne, and you know it. I want nothing to do with the Order of the Scythe," I countered, my voice hardening.

"Stubborn as always, Mordecai. Do you not see? Your refusal to shoulder this responsibility will bring suffering. The realms will fall into chaos, and your people will bear the brunt of it," he warned, his gaze piercing.

"Are you content to spend eternity as some mortal's Grim, especially one who has succumbed to vampirism?" he sneered. "What, you didn't know? Alexander is a vampire now."

"Splendid news," I said, my voice laced with venomous sarcasm.

"You're a fool, son," my father said, shaking his head in disdain.

"No, Father, you are. Being the first Grim on Earth doesn't make you infallible."

"Ah, you amuse me, Mordecai," he laughed, a hollow, chilling sound. "But this is no jest. Either take your place as king, swear loyalty to your people, and dedicate eternity to their service, or walk away, leaving the realms to spiral into destruction, knowing your realm will remain untouched. The choice is yours."

"You're a tyrant, Father."

"No, I am a king. And one day, you will be too."


**Azazel and Lunna's POV: At the Pits of Tartarus**

"We're here to see Hades," Azazel announced, his voice echoing with authority.

"Hades wishes to see no visitors," the Kerkopes guards replied, their voices devoid of warmth.

"We're here on urgent business. We must speak with your master," Lunna insisted, striving to maintain her composure.

"You'll have to leave, or we'll feed you to Cerberus," one of the guards sneered.

"You dare question the authority of His Royal Highness Azazel, son of Griffindor, and the daughter of your master, Hades?" Lunna spat through gritted teeth, her eyes blazing with defiance.

The guards exchanged uneasy glances before stepping aside. "Very well, you may enter."

"Thought that wouldn't work," Lunna murmured, a wry smile playing on her lips.

As they descended into the depths of Tartarus, the air grew thick with the stench of suffering and despair. The ground was scorched, and the sky was a deep, fiery red. The agonizing cries of the damned echoed through the caverns, a haunting symphony of torment.

"Hello, daughter. What brings you to my domain?" Hades greeted, his voice a chilling whisper in the oppressive darkness.

"Nothing unexpected, Father. I've come for the essence," Lunna replied, her tone resolute.

"Five thousand years, and not even a hug for your old man? Or at least tell your boyfriend to show some respect to Hades, ruler of Tartarus?" Hades said, his eyes narrowing with amusement.

"Just give us the essence, Father, and we'll be on our way," Lunna demanded, her patience wearing thin.

"I don't think so," Hades replied, a sly smile curling his lips.

"Excuse me," Azazel interjected, his voice tight with anger. "We need the essence. Don't make this harder than it has to be."

"Thousands of years ago, I bound you to your groom from a rival kingdom. Strengthening Tartarus through your marriage is still my goal," Hades said, his eyes gleaming with malevolence.

Lunna spoke in the ancient tongue of witches, "Ti kales, ti kales, o kalyteros mou!" (You control, you control, my fate!)

Hades responded in the same tongue, his voice dripping with menace, "Echo dikaio, echo dikaio, ti zoi sou!" (I have every right, I have every right, to your life!)

Azazel stood there, bewildered, unable to grasp their exchange.

Guards soon arrived, escorting them to their chambers, making it clear they would be staying the night.

"You are not allowed in her room," Hades decreed, his gaze fixed on Azazel.

"He has every right to be in my room if you want me to marry that... kakothes" (curseborn), Lunna retorted, her voice filled with venom.

"Very well, you may be excused. And Azazel, I'm watching you," Hades said, his eyes glinting with a sinister warning.



### Mordecai's POV:

As I left my father’s hall, his words echoed in my mind. The choice weighed heavily on me: to take up the mantle of leadership or to abandon my people to chaos. My father’s threats and taunts gnawed at me, but I knew one thing for certain—my destiny was my own to shape.

I reached the gates of Grims Vale, the Eternity Orb safely in my possession. Its glow was a reminder of the balance I was sworn to protect, whether I liked it or not. I paused, feeling the weight of the decision before me. The realms were at stake, and my people needed me. With a deep breath, I made my choice.

"Father," I whispered to the winds, "you may be a king, but I will be a ruler in my own right."


### Azazel and Lunna's POV:

The night in Tartarus was suffocating, the weight of Hades’ ultimatum pressing on us both. Lunna and I sat together in her chamber, the oppressive silence broken only by the distant cries of the damned.

"Lunna," I said softly, "we need to find a way out of this. Your father's plans cannot dictate our fate."

She nodded, her eyes fierce with determination. "We will find a way, Azazel. Together."

The next morning, we stood before Hades once more. This time, we were resolute.

"Father," Lunna began, her voice steady, "I will not marry to strengthen Tartarus. My loyalty is to Azazel, and we will find another way to secure the essence."

Hades studied us, his eyes flickering with an unreadable emotion. After a tense moment, he sighed. "Very well, daughter. The essence is yours. But know this: defying me has its own consequences."

"We'll face them," I replied, taking Lunna’s hand. "Together."
