Chapter five: The price of betrayal

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When Alexander and the others arrived at Hell's gate,they swiftly donned their disguises. Mordecai took the lead,clutching a map he ominously called "The map of death" to ensure they wouldn't lose their way. Everything seemed to be unfolding according to plan as they approached the bridge that separated Hell from the semi-realms.

Azazel,however,couldn't resist incessantly mocking Lunna for her perceived lack of magical prowess incessantly deriding her reliance on the single spell she knew, Tempestas incinerare. Lunna bore the insults in silence,her hurt evident but unspoken. Mordecai eventually snapped telling Azazel to back off,but Azazel persisted until he crossed a line,his words causing the group to stop in their tracks turning to him in disbelief.

"How could you?" Alexander demanded,Azazel, enraged,made a move to strike Alexander,but Aurelius intervened,throwing Azazel down the bridge in a swift motion.

Mordecai turned to Lunna,concern etched on his face ,even thou no one could see it due to his skeletal mask. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine",Lunna replied,her face obscured by a shawl.

They crossed the bridge into the forbidden zone,where they were ambushed by Rakshasa's goons. A fierce battle ensued and though they fought valiantly,Lunna was injured while struggling to cast her spell. Mordecai rushed into her aid,banishing the denizens -name of Rakshasas goons,with a powerful incantation.

As they pressed on,they entered the cursed forest,only to be confronted by a monstrous creature,a centipede like creature. The master of all faces. The creature demanded nothing but the truth from them,threatening death should they lie.

This was the creatures test for all who dared to see Rakshasa ,it would ask the obvious question in the air. If you pass you live and see its ruler,but should you fail ,you will join the bodies that hanged on the trees.

"Do you plan to betray your friends?"
It asked,its voice reverberating through the forest.

Understanding the gravity of the question, Lunna stepped forward."We are united by a common goal. None of us would harm each other ,we are here to protect."

The creature asked the question again,and Lunna reiterated her answer with conviction. But before anyone could react, Azazel out of the blue, hurled a fire blade at Alexander,Aurelius however intercepts it with ease ,incinerating the blade. At that moment,a collective gasp echoed through the group.

They turned to see Lunna impaled by four of the creatures legs,blood pouring from multiple wounds. She collapsed to the ground,lifeless.

Shock and horror paralyzed them all,but none more than Azazel,who rushed to her side,cradling her in disbelief.

The creatures voice echoed through the clearing,cold and mocking.
"I hate children who lie". With that the master of all faces vanished,leaving the group speechless
and in utter disbelief.

The group turned to Azazel,their fury palpable. They barked accusations at him,but he defended himself,his voice shaking. "I didn't know! I'm sorry!"

Desperation overtook him as he yelled into the darkness,hurling insults at the creature. When the creature reappeared, Azazel demanded,"Give us the essence of element!"

The creature's eyes glinted with disdain. "Why would i grant you the essence when you are not a true companion? you caused her death."

Azazel fell to his knees,still cradling Lunnas body,pleading "please,give us the essence,i beg you,she can't die".

The creature regarded him coldly ."A life for a life".

Azazel's face contorted with resolve,"okay i'll do it,i'll sacrifice a soul for hers".

The group feel silent,the weight of the creature's condition sinking in. "But who will be sacrificed?" They wondered,the question hanging heavy in the air.