chapter eleven: Denial

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Aurelius Pov

We had arrived at the inbetween,and he hadn't said a word. Honestly i was getting worried ,i tried to initiate small talk but he always seems to shut me down with his silence. And the worst of all,he isn't even acknowledging my presence.

"Were do we stay in the main time to find the essence"i asked hoping to get an answer but soon after we were both teleported to a house,and appeared at a room. An old one to be precise.

He didn't even say anything as he made his way out of the room,shutting the door behind him. "Okay,so i assume this one is my room",i said with a sigh.


Later at night,i had grown fed up with his pathetic aura and was ready to snap some sense into him. I had been so thirsty ,i craved blood more than ever. Back at hell i didn't have a problem controlling my urges,but now its like i'm gonna die without it in my system.

"Alex!",i said as a wave of nausea befalled me."Do you know anywhere i can find....."

I was speechless at the sight before me ,Alexander had slashed his own wrists,blood dripping heavily down to the ground.
He looked at me,and froze in shock. I couldn't control the urges,i wanted to. No i needed to get a taste of him. He'd always had a mesmerizing scent,and i was dying to taste his blood and as he made a run for it,i jumped on him instantly. Both of us on the floor and me trying to dive my fangs into his neck,to rip him apart piece,by piece. He was fear strickened,but when i dived my fangs into him,he yelp,and slowly started to moan. I couldn't quite understand ,not that it mattered at this point.

My tongue traced every ounce of blood that was spilled on his body,( i tore his cloths before diving my fangs into him.) I was licking, kissing,sucking on a naked Alexander and hell he was hot. They were multiple bruises and scars that were scattered around his body and nonetheless,he still looked beautiful. I traced the blood that flowed down his neck to his collar bone,nipping on the soft ,tantalizing flesh. I loved the feeling of him underneath me,the way he'd moan and squirm as i'd scatter numerous hikyes all over his abdomen. My lips found their way to his nipple ,and i sucked on the tight bud. Pulling,and biting on it roughly,tasting it spill blood.

"Aure... Ahh! ....Aure.... Please,please...." He said choking back tears and moaning so loud i felt that the princes could hear.

"Yes,what do you want Alex?" I stated simply as i kissed him on the lips,there was blood on his mouth to and i was savoring each and every taste.

"I.. I ... I want you... Fuck damnit ,please fuck me" he said as hot tears spills from his eyes and i kissed them away swiftly.

"Okay Alex,i'm going to make you feel so good now okay" more blood began to pump out of his body and i couldn't tell if he just had a enough blood or it was a human thing. At this point i really didn't give a shit and with one swift motion,i spread his legs wide,not considering any amount of fore play and i plunged into him at once. My full length entered him in one go and hell he was tight. So fucking tight.

I smacked his ass while thrusting into him roughly,drawing more blood from his body and biting him everywhere that was possible.

"Ahh... Aurelius...fuck harder....,harder?!!...." Honestly neither of us where sober,just drunk with lust.

I thrusted into him more harder,holding his legs up and pounding into him while jerking his hard cock off.

It didn't take long before he came, and i came right after. Pulling out from me as i fell beside him on the floor,panting for air.

"Alex" i called out,hoping he was still alive cause i knew i had sucked him dry.

"Yes" he said his voice a tiny squeak like he was about to cry and break down. And i was right,he did break down.

"Why did you lie to me",was all he said through choked sobes.

'I feel bad for lying Alex,really i do but i just needed something from you". I said simply stating the fact.

"What could you possibly need,you lie to me then have the guts to come and fuck me!",he said now laughing as more tears rolled down his flushed cheeks.

"To be honest Alex, you caused this whole scenario right now",i said getting up not minding the fact that i was naked infront of him." What where you thinking!,oh i forgot,u werent thinking at all." I hissed,feeling extremely irritated.

"Do you not feel anything for me",he said struggling to fight of sleep i presume.

"I do",i said being completely honest while making my way up the stairs. " just not ever going to acknowledge them". I said in almost a whisper.

Tomorrow would be an interesting day ,i sighed as i made my way up to the room he had well teleported us to. I just hope he wakes up,for my mates sake and for part of me as well.