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Millenias ago

## The Fallen

It is said that pride led to the start of all evil.

In the beginning, there was harmony in the celestial realms. Among the myriad of angels who served the Almighty, one stood out for his exceptional beauty, wisdom, and power—Lucifer, the "Light Bringer." He was an archangel, radiant and magnificent, second only to God.

However, Lucifer desired more than to be second. His pride grew because of his prestigious gifts and looks. He led a rebellion against the Almighty, rallying other angels to his cause.

A heavenly battle broke loose.

Angels fell, some into the waters, some onto the land, and others into different parts of the earth. The seven archangels—Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel, Remiel, and Saraqael—fought valiantly alongside other loyal angels.

Michael, the fiercest warrior, trampled on Lucifer and severed his wings.

Lucifer was stripped not only of his wings but of everything he had ever possessed.

He became the king of the damned, the ruler of darkness, and the prince of despair.

### The Creatures

During the cataclysmic battle, other creatures were formed.

**Ereshkigal**, the queen of the underworld, emerged as a significant figure in Mesopotamian mythology. She was the sister of Inanna and ruled the land of the dead with an iron fist, overseeing the destinies of departed souls.

**Inanna (or Ishtar)**, the goddess of beauty and the queen of dates, symbolized love, fertility, and war. Her complex persona bridged the realms of the divine and the mortal, making her one of the most revered deities in ancient Sumerian culture.

**Leviathan**, a monstrous sea serpent, represented chaos and destruction, often associated with the primordial sea.

**Lamashtu**, a malevolent deity, terrorized pregnant women and infants, embodying the darkest fears of the ancient world.

These and other creatures were cast into the underworld, each playing a role in the grand tapestry of divine and infernal history.

### The Seven Archangels

**Michael**, the leader of the heavenly host, epitomizes strength and righteousness. He is often depicted as the protector against the forces of evil.

**Gabriel**, the messenger, conveys divine revelations and is renowned for announcing the birth of Jesus to Mary.

**Raphael**, the healer, is associated with physical and spiritual healing, guiding humanity through trials and tribulations.

**Uriel**, the light of God, illuminates divine mysteries and is a patron of wisdom.

**Raguel**, the friend of God, oversees the behavior of angels and ensures harmony in the celestial order.

**Remiel**, the thunder of God, is responsible for divine visions and guiding the souls of the faithful to heaven.

**Saraqael**, the prayer of God, protects against the powers of darkness and advocates for humanity in the heavenly court.

### Conclusion

The saga of the fallen and the celestial beings is a tale of pride, rebellion, and redemption. Lucifer's fall from grace marks the beginning of an eternal struggle between good and evil, light and darkness. The seven archangels, each with unique roles and virtues, continue to inspire awe and reverence, their stories woven into the fabric of human spirituality and mythology. As the ruler of the underworld, Lucifer awaits his chance to reclaim what was lost, a chilling reminder that the battle between light and darkness is never truly over.