Chapter thirteen:

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>>>Why are you lying

Lucas trailed behind Aurelius as they entered Alexander's lair, where the air was thick with tension. Alexander, the epitome of calm, didn't even flinch at their presence. "I really must be off," Aurelius whispered, his voice barely audible.

Alexander's response was a dismissive "Tsk," which spoke volumes.

Aurelius retreated upstairs to change into the clothes Lucas had brought, his movements swift and silent. Lucas couldn't help but wonder what secrets lay hidden behind those enigmatic eyes. "You never mentioned you'd already found your mate," Lucas said, his curiosity piqued.

Aurelius' expression turned petulant, like a child who'd lost their favorite toy. "Let's not discuss this, please? My head is throbbing just thinking about it." Lucas raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the hint of drama.

Just then, Alexander appeared, his eyes blazing with intensity. "Essences first, then you can indulge in your love affair." Aurelius opened his mouth to protest, but Alexander cut him off with a withering glance. "Do I look like I care about your domestic issues?"

Lucas chuckled, elbowing Aurelius playfully. "Dude, what did you do to him? He's got a grudge against you, for sure!" Aurelius shot him a warning look, but Lucas just winked.

After a heated debate, Aurelius relented, agreeing to join forces with Lucas to find the essences. Their first stop was a mysterious temple, its entrance guarded by three enigmatic questions. Lucas rubbed his hands together, eager for the challenge. "Minotaurs and temples go hand-in-hand, you know."

As they approached the temple, its pavilion-like structure loomed before them, shrouded in mystery. "Time to put our knowledge to the test, friend!" Lucas exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

Aurelius shot him a skeptical glance. "Let's just get this over with."

And so, they embarked on their quest, ready to face whatever lay ahead, their banter and camaraderie their only constants in the face of uncertainty.


The Minotaur statue, its eyes gleaming with an otherworldly intensity, declared, "You must answer three questions each, mortals!" Lucas, Aurelius, and Alexander bowed down in unison, acknowledging the idol's authority.

Lucas, confident and bold, stepped forward first. "I'll go first," he said, his brow raised in anticipation.

"Very well, Lucas Bloodworth," the idol replied, its voice booming through the temple. "If you answer incorrectly, severe consequences will follow. Truth be told."

Lucas nodded, unfazed. "First question: How old are you?"

"1800," Lucas replied, his brow still raised, as if daring the idol to question his answer.

The idol nodded, its gaze piercing. "Second question: How did Damian Nightshade die?"

"Silver blade laced with holy oil to the heart," Lucas replied, his voice steady.

"Last question: Who killed him?"

Lucas' expression turned solemn. "I did."

The idol's gaze lingered on Lucas, as if sizing him up. "Very well, Lucas Bloodworth. Step aside."

Aurelius stepped forward, his eyes fixed on Lucas with a mix of disbelief and curiosity. "Nightshade, step forward," the idol commanded.

Aurelius' face turned ashen as he faced the idol. "First question: Who is your mate?"