Chapter fourteen:

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>>>The haunting vision.

Aurelius and Lucas waited till Alexander's body withered to ashes. The minotaur had already been silenced since its questions had been asked. "I just don't understand," Aurelius said, looking at Lucas. "Why is all this happening? The questions, the Rakshasa, the minotaur... it's all about truth and feelings and fears. And in the maze, it was all about finding one's true feelings and fears. I just don't understand, Lucas. You just want him back, please let him come back." Aurelius's voice was strangled with sobs.

"Why did you kill Damian, Lucas?" Aurelius asked, his tone laced with pain and accusation.

Lucas's expression contorted in a mix of guilt and despair. "It was an accident, Aurelius. I was jealous, angry... I saw him with someone else, and I snapped."

Aurelius's eyes narrowed, his mind racing. "You killed him because he cheated on you? With his mate?" He spat the words, his disgust evident. "You know my brother, Lucas. He's not one to cheat, not unless... unless it was his mate. And even then, he would never hurt me like that."

Aurelius's voice broke, his words barely above a whisper. "You know how close we were, Lucas. We shared everything. If Damian was going to cheat, it would be with someone who meant something to him, someone he loved. And you know what that means, don't you?"

Lucas's face crumpled, tears streaming down his face. "I'm sorry, Aurelius. I was hurt, and I lashed out. It was my birthday, and he wasn't at the reception. I went to his chambers, and... and I saw them together. I was devastated. I felt like he was betraying me, like he was choosing someone else over me."

Aurelius's anger and grief boiled over. "You killed him because you were jealous? Because you felt betrayed? You're a jealous, fucking cunt, Lucas! You took away my brother, my best friend, my everything! Even if he was an asshole, he was my asshole. And you took him away from me."

Aurelius's voice cracked, his words dissolving into sobs. He felt like he was being torn apart, his heart shattered into a million pieces.

"You didn't just kill Damian, Lucas. You killed a part of me. You killed our memories, our laughter, our inside jokes. You killed our future, our plans, our dreams. You killed everything that mattered to me."

Aurelius's eyes blazed with a fierce intensity, his gaze piercing through Lucas's tears. "I'll never forgive you, Lucas. Never. You may have apologized, but that won't bring back my brother. That won't bring back my family."

"Even if he was a cunt,stupid,pompous and such an asshole,he was my asshole." Aurelius said with his expression cold and unreadable.

The silence that followed was deafening, a heavy stillness that hung in the air like a challenge. Aurelius's words lingered, a harsh reminder of the irreparable damage that had been done.


"I can bring him back," Lucas said, his eyes fixed on Aurelius's grief-stricken face. "I can bring them back, and Alexander as well."

Aurelius's eyes snapped up, his gaze piercing through Lucas's tears. "What did you say?" he asked, his voice low and menacing.

Lucas took a step back, his eyes wide with fear. "I-I can bring them back, Aurelius. I have the power to revive them. Please, just forgive me, and I'll bring them back."

Aurelius's laughter was cold and mirthless. "Forgive you? You think a simple apology and a promise to bring them back will erase what you've done? You killed my brother, Lucas. You took away my family. And you expect me to forgive you just like that?"