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Chapter Nine


As they feared,they were trapped in the labyrinth,each confined to a different section of the maze. The only way out was to find a means to escape. However,the more they used their powers,the more the maze walls grew,elongating the path for that person. Not even the devil himself could navigate the maze without adhering to its stringent rules.

Aurelius ,tirelessly searching for a suitable exist,was suddenly stopped in his tracks by a familiar voice- a voice that had haunted his dreams for thousands of years.

"Aurelius,honey,is that really you?" He turned around and saw her;Aideal,his wife. But she dead- he had killed her himself. He thought he must be hallucinating,yet she was already close enough to touch.

"Baby,i missed you", she whispered before kissing him. He knew this was wrong,knew it wasn't real ,yet he couldn't resist. They stood there,locked in an embrace making up for the thousands of years they had lost.

Mean while ,Azazel was in a state of confusion,shouting Lunna's name. alongside his crew yet no one answered. It was as if they couldn't here him or weren't there at all. Amid his desperate calks,he saw his mothe. As usual,she welcomed him with open arms,and he ran to her,not questioning how she could possibly be alive.


Alex,on the other hand,had no relatives he could remember. His parents had abandoned him at age six,the age at which his world shattered. It was then he began cutting himself. The horrors he endured at that age were unimaginable;even the people he trusted to care for him inflicted the most pain and suffering.

Now,he saw it all again thinking he was losing his mind. His eight -year-old self ,hiding in the closet,being dragged out by his tormentors ,beaten ,tortured,and raped. They would defile him,insert objects into him,and call him vile names. The damage they inflicted was so servers that he eventually  turned mute. They carved into his flesh,claiming his body as theirs. At seventeen,he managed to escape,but not without enduring one final threat of the worst atrocities they had ever promised.

The sight of the black bag always broke him down,begging for mercy that never came. That day,he snapped. He found a gun on the counter and shot them over and over,until there were five holes in each of their heads.

Now,he broke down,the memories flooding back. It was never a good thing to remember. He had been secretly taking pills through out this journey to avoid breaking down in front of the others.

Aurelius had told him he meant so much to him back at the cursed forest,he had let him sleep beside him. Alexandwe trusted Aurelius,but the voices in his head said otherwise. With the pills gone,he broke down completely,gasping for air as the voices overwhelmed him.

"You think he loves you? He does not. He only pities you. Why didn't you jump? Why didn't you die? You should have ended it at the cliff. He only pities you,feels sorry for you,feels sorry for a broken toy like you. Who are you to be loved,What are you? How do you know your not the reason your parents left you?"

The voices were relentless,and then the people he feared most appeared before him.

"Hey there Al", they said in unisonocking. "We brought the baggg!," they laughed cruelly.

Alexander screamed ,pleading,calling out for Aurelius ,but there was no response. He was on the verge of a panic attack;this was just phase one. They forced him to watch ,tilting his head towards a mirror on the wall.

In the mirror,he saw Aurelius,naked,with his wife,he guessed. They were speaking gibberish,lost in each others touch.

"What about the human boy?" She asked between kisses.

Aurelius replied "i was experimenting on him. I just feel pity ",and they both laughed,their moans muffled by their kisses.

Alexander couldn't breathe. His mind went blank. He tried to convince himself it wasn't real,but it felt all too real. His worst nightmares stood before him,pulling down his pants, and the only sound that followed was the dying screams of poor Alexander.


Okay ,just to clarify the black bag symbolizes the bag that held the tools,knives and other things they used to torture him. The bag is black in color.

Azazel and Aurelius knew that his mother and wife weren't real so they went with the flow meaning that Aurulius meant what he said about Alexander.