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### Title: "Divine Reckoning"

### Aurelius and Lucas's POV: At the _Void of Darkness

Aurelius and Lucas stood at the precipice of the Void of Darkness, a realm where shadows danced with_ whispers of despair and lost souls. Leviathan was nowhere to be seen, its ominous presence now just an unsettling memory. Alexander was dead, or so Aurelius believed. So was his brother and his brother’s mate. The urgency of their plight pressed heavily on them.

"We need help, fast," Aurelius muttered, his voice a hollow echo in the void.

"How?" Lucas asked, desperation coloring his words.

"There’s only one thing we can do," Aurelius replied, his gaze steely with determination. "We must summon the gods."

Drawing on ancient rites, Aurelius began the divine summoning. The air crackled with energy, and the fabric of reality trembled. From the rift of the clouds, the gods descended, their presence both awe-inspiring and terrifying. Shamash, the sun god, radiated blinding light, while Nanna, the moon god, shimmered with a cold, ethereal glow. An, the sky god, loomed above them, and several others manifested, each exuding an aura of malevolence.

"How can we assist you?" one of the gods intoned, their voice resonating with the power of the cosmos.

"We need a way to end this," Aurelius pleaded, his voice raw. "Bring Alexander back from the dead, as well as my brother and his mate. We need to restore the balance."

The gods exchanged inscrutable glances. "All you have to do is accept it," said Shamash, his voice burning like the sun itself.

"Accept what?" Aurelius and Lucas asked in unison, their voices tinged with confusion and dread.

"Accept Alexander as your mate," the gods chanted in a haunting chorus.

"This is madness! You're all insane!" Aurelius roared, his anger a tempest. "I've accepted him long ago!"

The gods' expressions remained unchanged, their eyes like unfathomable voids. "Accept the fact that asking for our help will yield consequences, both good and bad."

"What are they saying?" Lucas whispered to Aurelius, his eyebrows furrowed in perplexity.

"Accept the reality that if we intervene, everything will revert to normal, except for you and your comrades," Shamash continued. "It's simply acceptance. We will grant all your heart's desires, everything you've wished for—all of it."

Aurelius's mind raced. The gods were playing a dangerous game, one that demanded more than just acknowledgment. They wanted submission, an acceptance of divine will over mortal struggle. He had accepted Alexander long ago, but this was different. This was about accepting the gods' terms, their power, their judgment.

"I... I accept," Aurelius finally said, his voice barely a whisper against the overwhelming silence.

In an instant, the world plunged into darkness. The oppressive weight of the void crushed down on them, suffocating and absolute. The gods' presence vanished, leaving behind an eerie stillness. Aurelius felt the ground shift beneath him, the darkness pulling him deeper into an abyss.

Suddenly, a blinding light pierced the void. Aurelius and Lucas found themselves back in the realm of the living. Alexander, his brother, and his brother’s mate stood before them, alive and whole. The balance was restored, yet an unspoken change lingered in the air.

"Is it really over?" Lucas asked, his voice trembling.

Aurelius nodded, though uncertainty gnawed at his heart. "It's over, for now."

The gods had granted their wish, but the cost was yet to be fully understood. As they embraced their resurrected loved ones, Aurelius couldn't shake the feeling that the gods' influence would forever shadow their lives. The acceptance demanded by the gods had been more than a simple acknowledgment—it was a binding pact, a reminder that even in victory, there were sacrifices to be made.


At the in-between, they stood staring at the three previously dead individuals: Alexander, Damian, and Ziab.

Mordecai, Lunnas, and Azazel also appeared, each displaying surprise and happiness.

The remarks were balanced, yet something felt amiss. They spoke of acceptance—who had yet to accept, Aurelius pondered.

Just as someone was about to break the silence, graphite and fire rained from the heavens, crashing everywhere. Realization struck Lucas and Aurelius—acceptance. They had been thrust back to the fallen.

Amidst angels plummeting from the heavens and battling each other, Inanna and Ereshkigal stood before them, their attire as revealing as ever.

"Welcome to the beginning."

Acceptance—this was Lucifer's acceptance. They witnessed the holy archangel Michael in combat with Lucifer. A piercing scream echoed through the realms as Lucifer was stripped of his wings. He began to change, convulse, and ultimately split.

Behold, the seven deadly sins, each an aspect of Lucifer but with distinct personalities.


Every thing had been about acceptance all along,everything. They'd thought it would be over but it wasn't. They were brought back to the fallen of the damned. Each not knowing what it meant.
All that had occupied there mind as of the moment where the two women standing in front of them.