Chapter Eleven (Renesmee)

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Mommy seems worried. I wonder why? Anyway, I'm tired, so I'm going to go tell my Mommy that I need tucked in.
I walk into the living room and everyone but Aunt Rosalie is here. I wonder where she is. I heard some people yelling and talking a little bit ago.
"Mommy. I'm tired. Will you tuck me in?" I ask her. She immediately smiles. "Of course sweetie," She says. She follows me up the stairs and into my room. As soon as she puts my blanket over me, kisses my head, and says goodnight, I fall asleep.
In the middle of the night, I wake up for some unknown reason. Then I look at my clock. It is 3:53 in the morning. I think I need some milk. I go downstairs and see nobody. But then I see a note on the refrigerator.
Don't worry about anything. We just got very thirsty and went to hunt. We should be back before morning. I know you have a habit of waking up though. I know you are smart and can take care of yourself. I love you very much.
That's a relief. For a moment I was afraid. I get my milk, drink it, and go back to to bed.
I've been laying there about five minutes when I hear a voice. "Bella?" It calls. "Carlisle?" It tries again. I know who it is when it says "yo! We got any bloodsuckers in the house?" Running down the stairs, I yell "Jake!" Then he sees me and he smiles. "Hey Nessie! Shouldn't you be asleep?" He asks.
"I was, but I woke up." I say. Jake knows sleep isn't nessacery for very long, but I like it. I like to dream. "Where is everybody?" Jake asks. I hand him the note. "Oh, Okay." He says. "I was just coming to check on you. I couldn't sleep." He starts towards the door. Suddenly I realize how afraid I am off being alone after everything that happened with Daddy and Tanya. It's not them I'm afraid of, but all of Mommy's warnings make it seem like I should be.
"Don't leave." It's just barely a whimper, but I know that Jake is a werewolf and that he can hear me. He turns around. "Of course I won't leave you Nessie. Not now, not ever," He says. Jake is like my best friend, only he's way older than me.
He picks me up in his arms, making me squeal, and carries me upstairs. He puts me on my bed and says, "I know you don't need much sleep, but get some anyways. Goodnight Nessie," He says softly. "Goodnight Jake," I murmer before falling asleep.
I haven't been asleep very long. I know that when I wake up. I also know that Jake is asleep on the chair next to my bed. What woke me up this time? It's 4:12 a.m.. Then I hear it. It's a voice I know very well.
"Renesmee," It says. "Come downstairs." It's Daddy!
I run down the stairs, being careful not to wake up Jake.
When I get downstairs, I see Daddy and Tanya. "Hello Sweetheart," He says. "Hi Daddy!" I say in response, giving him a peck on the cheek. "I have something to tell you," He says. "In two days, I'm going to come and you're going to come live with me. Your mother and me arranged it. You can't tell anyone though, or they'll be upset." I'm so happy to see my daddy, but do I want to live with him? Mommy thinks it's okay, so I'll go. "Okay," I say.
He smiles. "Here's three suitcases. You need to pack all of your clothes in them. I'll be back in two days. Don't tell anyone, and make sure your stuff is packed," He says.
The next two days, I'm very excited. I'm happy all the time, but I don't see Aunt Rosalie at all! I packed all my stuff. Mom doesn't know because I only did it today. Now I'm waiting for Daddy. Around 5 a.m. he knocks on my window. He grabs my bags and says, "Let's go."
He puts me on his back and takes me to a car. The car has Tanya in it. I don't like her very much but Mommy thinks it's okay so she must be. She looks kind of fake to me, not that I'd ever sat that out loud.
I sit in the back seat and buckle myself. Daddy hands me a blanket and tells me to go to sleep. It's very hard though because I'm so excited. While I'm trying, I hear Daddy and Tanya talking. Well, they're moving their lips, but they don't know I can hear.
"How much longer?" Tanya hisses. "I don't know. A year until sixteen. I think Jared will take her then," Daddy says. "He said he wanted her in a month," Tanya replies, worried. "He already gave us the money." Daddy looks worried for a moment too. "I'll just let him take her in a month then. I don't care what happens to her." Tanya looks like she just realized something. "She's an imprint!" Tanya suddenly hisses. Dad just smiles and kisses her. "I know."
I don't know who they're talking about, but it doesn't seem like they like her very much. I wonder who Jared is. These thoughts running through my mind, I drift off to sleep.

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