Chapter Four (Rosalie)

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    Carlisle just found a way for us to become human again? This is all I've ever wanted! I wonder if Emmett will want to go back to human. If he doesn't, I don't know what I'll do!
    "The only thing is, I need a test subject," Carlisle says. "What about you, Rosalie?" I know I need to talk to Emmett first, so I relay this to Carlisle.   "Well, Carlisle, I need to talk to Emmett first," I say.
    "Of course Rose. And you know you can still live here no matter what right? You're family. Let me know as soon as possible though please."
    Everyone leaves the room, even though I know they can still hear us. "Emmett? What do you think about becoming human?" I ask.  He looks sad. "I don't know babe. I know you want to, and I want to be with you, but I like this. We don't ever have to die, Rose. We can see the changes in the world."
    The bad part is, I see his point. "But Emmett. You know I've always wanted a child," I say. It actually sounds sort of whiny. "I've been thinking about that Rose. What about a surrogate mother? That would work."
    Was I willing to risk a mortal's life for a baby when I could do it myself? I thought about it for a moment. A Half vampire baby like Renesmee? I could hold it in my arms and teach it to hunt. I could take it shopping with Alice. We could be together forever.
    Then I make my decision. "Emmett, no mortal is going to risk their lives just so I can have a child. I-if you don't want to be human with me, fine. But this is what I want Emmet. I want to grow old and die like a normal person! I'm sorry. I love you."
    "Rosalie," Emmet says. He sounds like he's in pain. What did I do? He used my full first name. He never does that. I feel ashamed.
    He continues. "If being human means being with you, I'll be human. I love you so much, I can't stand not being with you."
    I'm pretty sure I'd be crying if that were possible. "Emmett? Are you sure?" I ask. I don't want him doing something he'll regret. "Yes," he responds.
     Carlisle soon comes down the stairs. "So Rosalie, are you ready? I'm going to ask you to swallow two pills which will desolve into a liquid acid that will unfreeze everything. It will be much like the process of turning into a vampire."
    "So it will hurt?" I say more like a question. "I'm sorry Rose. It will hurt," He replies. "Okay," I say, just a bit shakily, remembering when I became like this.
"Are you sure Rose? This will most likely stay in your system, and you can never be a vampire again. Just so you know, I have contacted Aro, and he approves of this. As for you, Emmett. I need to test it on Rose first. Before you try. Okay?" He dumps a lot of information on us.
    What? No. I need Emmett. Of course, he'll talk to me while I'm human, but will he kiss and hug me? Will he touch me at all? Okay, pull yourself together Rosalie. It's only for a couple days.
    "Let's go, Carlisle," I say. He motions for me to follow him upstairs and into our hospital room. Emmett is following right behind me. "Lay down Rosalie," Carlisle instructs in his "doctor" voice.
    He hands me two red pills and says "I love you." Emmett kisses me and says, "I'll be right behind you." I understand this might not go right and that I might die. It'll be worth it though.
    I swallow the pills and lie back. Soon, a  terrible pain overtakes me and I whimper. Then I feel a hand grab mine. Emmett's hand. Then I hear Carlisle say, "Be easy with her Emmett. You are already way stronger than she is, but now that she's becoming human, you have to be very careful. Okay?" Emmett sighs. "Sure thing, Doc."
    Soon I forget about Emmett and beg whoever's in the room to kill me. I hear talking, and soon focus on that. It's Emmett. "Shhh Rose. It's okay. Focus on me okay?" I squeeze his hand. "Like that. It's already been two days. Just one more. You're looking more human already, so I've been talking louder. You're still beautiful Rose." That sort of embarrasses me.
    He stops talking for a minute. "R-Rose. You just blushed. Your cheeks were, red," he tells me. I blushed? Yay! I squeeze Emmett's hand hard. "I know Rose," He says.
    Soon, the pain is gone and I open my eyes. "Hey Rose," Emmett says. "Hey Emmett," I reply before kissing him. I notice that he's really being gentle, and I love him for it.
    Soon everyone comes into the room. "Oh Rose!" Esme says. She runs up to me and hugs me. "Too...hard..Esme." I choke out. "Sorry," She says.
    When everyone has said something, Carlisle gives me a checkup. "Good Rose," He says. "Now, it's Emmett's turn."


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