Chapter 30 (Renesmee)

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After Jake and I make up, I get worried. "Jake? Did Alice tell everyone?" I ask. "No. She wrote it on a piece of paper. She said she wouldn't tell anybody. We are going to say you lost your balance and fell." He says. I can't help but start to cry again. "Nessie?" Jake asks. "I'm such an awful person! I hate myself!" I scream and punch a tree. Surprisingly, it falls. I gasp and put my hand over my mouth. "No." I say. Jake just stands there with his mouth open. Once he sees my pale face, there is nothing he can do but catch me while the darkness takes over.
The first thing I hear when I wake up is voices. "She's in shock. Her brain needs time to heal." Carlisle says. "How long Alice?" Rosalie asks. "She's awake." Alice replies. I sit up in bed, and smile. "You gave away my cover Alice!" I say. My voice is scratchy and dry. I must have been asleep for at least a day. Before I notice she's gone, Esme comes back with a glass of water. I gulp it down eagerly. "Thanks Grandma." I say. She smiles. Then Alice yells, "Everybody out!" Everyone files out except Jake. I don't think he'll be leaving my side anytime soon.
He says in my head. "Anyway." Alice starts. "I know it's been stressful lately, but we're starting school next week." Alice says. What? I'm so excited! I've always wanted to go to school. "Yay!" I say. Alice and Jake laugh.
The week leading up to the start of school is normal. Shopping with Alice, spending time with Jake. But soon, it's the night before school. Jake kisses my forehead and leaves to his room. My family doesn't like the thought of us sleeping in the same room. But that's because he's religious. He asked me to attend church with him, so I did. I liked it. (No offense to athiest!) So I guess I'm religious now. I drift off with these thoughts.
I'm woken up in the morning by Alice, who is telling me to get dressed so she can do my hair and makeup. I put on a navy blue v-neck sweater, with light blue jeans. I put on a pair of UGG boots. Alice puts my hair in a bun, leaving two pieces hanging down on either side of my face. She curls those parts. She puts on blue eye-shadow, with a bright red lip stain. She smiles. "Perfect." She says.
I ride with Jake, who is reassuring me that everyone will like me, and that he'll pound any bullies. Which I laugh at, even though I know it's true. We get to the school, and I step out of the car. Any boy close to me looks me up and down shamelessly. Even when Jake puts his arm around my waist.
We walk into the school, and walk into the main office. "You are the Cullens and Mr. Black, I presume?" The secretary says. "Yes ma'am." I say. She smiles at me and hands us our schedules. "Have a nice first day." She says. Jake and I compare schedules.

Jake's schedule
Period 1: Math
Period 2: Chemistry
Period 3: Biology
Period 4:Gym
Period 5:literature
Period 6 History

Nessie's schedule
Period 1: Math
Period 2:Biology
Period 3: Chemistry
Period 4: Art
Period 5: literature
Period 6: history

"Aww no! I have to spend two hours without you!" Jake says sadly. "All the boys will be checking you out." I laugh. "Let's go to math." I say.
We walk hand in hand to math class. We find a table together in the back of the room. Only Alice is in this class. Rosalie couldn't attend because of her condition. She stayed home with Esme. Alice, Jake and I are juniors. Emmett and Jasper are seniors. We still have lunch together though.
The teacher looks at her new students and says, "introduce yourselves." I start. "I'm Renesmee Cullen." Jake goes next. "Jacob Black." Alice is last. "Alice Cullen." The teacher then talks about the things we'll be learning this year, and I pay close attention. After that class, Jake and I have to go our separate ways. A girl sits down next to me in biology. She has obviously fake blonde hair, tons of makeup, and bright pink claws. "I'm Ally, but you can totally call me Al!" She says in a nasel voice. No Nessie, do not judge her. "Hi. I'm Renesmee, but call me Ness!" I reply back. "I love your hair! It's so beautiful! Like, it's just so gorgeous!" I smile. "Thanks. I love your nails." I say. She smiles at me and says "Thanks." The teacher gives us this period free, so Ally and I just chat away.
After class, I walk outside to see Jake there. "I'm walking you to your next class." He says. Ally walks out and sees us. She immediately smiles at Jake. "Hello. And who might you be?" She asks in what I call her boy catching voice. "I'm Jacob. And Nessie's boyfriend." He says. Ally looks horrified. "Ness! Omg! I'm so sorry! I know how I look, but I wouldn't!" I can't help but laugh at her face. "It's okay, Al. It's actually funny. Boys have been doing the same thing all day!" Jake just looks between us. "Chemistry?" Ally asks. I nod. "Me too." She says. She walks with me and Jake, chattering on. During chemistry, the teacher just explains the rules, so I tune out.
On the way to lunch, a boy starts to walk beside me. I'm meeting everyone at lunch, so nobody's with me. This boy could be called handsome, I guess. He has dark brown hair with blue eyes. "You. Me. Date." He says. "Nope." I say. "Excuse me?" He asks. "Do I need to spell it out? N-O. That spells no, in case you don't know." I say. He scowls at me and says, "I'll get you to go on a date with me." He says. "Actually, no you won't, this is her boyfriend, and we're her brothers. Now leave my little sis alone!" Emmett says. The boy leaves immediately. I start laughing hysterically. "Did-you-see-his-face?" I ask in-between laughs. Emmett joins in with his booming laugh, then Jake, and finally Jasper. Everyone is staring at us like we're crazy, and maybe we are.
At lunch, I wave over Ally. "Guys, this is my friend Ally." I say. Emmett wipesa fake tear. "Our little socially awkward caterpillar is turning into a social butterfly!" He says. I laugh again. We all laugh the rest of lunch. The rest of the day passes by without incident. Until the final bell.

(A/N) Cliffhanger! Sorry for not updating! BTW, if you read this, please add 'over the rainbow' to your comment, or comment it on its own. Love, hugs, and sparkles!!! Bye!!!

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