Chapter Fifteen (Jacob)

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I take the phone and go to the only sound proof room in the house, although I wouldn't be surprised if the bloodsuckers could still hear. I feel the need to hear her voice. "Nessie?" I ask. Only the voice that comes out of the phone is not my Nessie's. It's the voice of a young teenager.
"Hello Jake," She says. I almost fall to the ground at her voice. I never understood what others were talking about when they talked about imprinting, but I know now. "Nessie, please come home! I need you and so does everyone else," I beg her, but the next part comes out in a whisper. "Please Nessie. You know what you are to me. I can't survive without you. Please."
I hear a choking noise on the other end of the line. Nessie, being the genius that she is, figured out what an imprint was when the was the size of an eight year old.
"Just.... Give me two minutes," She says. After one minute and fifty seconds, she comes back, not that I was counting. "Can you meet me?" She asks. I will meet her anytime, anywhere. "Of course Nessie. Where?" She laughs nervously. "How far are you willing to go Jake?" She asks. "Anywhere," I tell her in reply. She gives me an address in Canada, and tells me to meet her there tomorrow at noon. "Oh, and Jake?" She asks. "Yes Nessie?" I reply to her. "Please, please, please, don't tell anyone!" She says. "I won't. Goodbye Nessie," I say.
The next day at eleven-fifty in the morning, I see a street corner like the one Nessie described. It's at the address. So.
I sit on a bench and wait.
It kills me to have to wait for her, it really does. I want her to hurry up and get older so I can be with her. Sometimes, for just a moment, I feel weird for loving my old love's daughter. She's my imprint though, the one I was meant to be with. If Bella hadn't been married to Edward for a couple of months, I wouldn't have had an imprint. Fate works in crazy ways.
I've probably been waiting here for five minutes when this teenager comes and sits next to me. She looks about sixteen, and she is hot. It isn't until she turns towards me that I recognize her. "Nessie?" I ask. Is this really little Nessie? "Hey Jake," She says. Her voice has changed, although a good way. I notice that she's wearing heavy makeup. "Nessie... Wow. You look..." I can't even put how she looks into words.
"Different?" She guesses, and then laughs. "Yes, but also very beautiful," I tell her. She blushes, looking at the ground. "How close to here do you live?" I ask her. "Three miles," She answers. "Not for long though," She adds. "Why?" I give her a puzzled look.
"Dad is sending me to some kind of vampire boarding school," She says. I am immediately furious. That bloodsucker cannot take Nessie from me. "Jake, calm down," I hear her voice and feel her hand on my arm and immediately feel calmer.
"Nessie, no. Don't leave me. The vamps aren't going to want me sleeping under your window. Also Nessie, your not even a vampire." After saying this, I whine like a puppy. "Jake, I don't fit in anywhere. I'm sorry. I don't know where to go." Right after she says this however, I realize something.
"Nessie, your eyes aren't green," I say, worried. Her eyes are an emerald color at the moment, when I know for a fact that her eyes are brown. Nessie is crying now.
"Jacob, this is the monster I've become." She takes out contacts to reveal a pair of dark burgundy eyes. "Oh Nessie," I say. "See Jacob? I bet you don't even love me anymore!" She sobs. Love her? I mean of course I do, but I think that's kind of a heavy word for now.
Seeing her face though, I grab her and pull her into my arms. "No Nessie," I say, my voice husky with emotion. "I love you forever. Nothing will change that. Okay?" She's sobbing harder now.
"I-I-" she starts to say, but I cut her off. "Shhh Nessie. It's okay. Do you wanna go home now?" I ask. She nods her head. I pick her up and carry her to my rabbit. I put her in the front seat and she buckles up. As I'm driving down the road, Nessie grabs my hand. After about five minutes, she says "I love you too Jake." I pull the car over and turn to face her. "Renesmee Carlie Cullen, I love you so much. You are an amazing person." And after that, she gives me a kiss on the cheek, dangerously close to my lips. This is dangerous territory. I have no idea when she became grown up. I'm a bit afraid honestly. The last time I saw her, she was a child. She looks almost five years older now. She grips my hand tighter, aid I continue to drive us home.

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