Ch. 12

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-Matt's pov-

Hayes is bad.

My dad had told me stories before he passed away..


Me and maddy were out on the basketball court in my driveway when my dad came outside on the phone.

"Yep....uh huh. I'll tell him. Of course. OK... Bye bye." He said to the person on the phone. "Matthew can you come inside? I need to tell you something. Its about your friend." He said in a irritated voice.

We walked inside. Maddy went up to her room.

"Hayes....he just got arrested." He said. He was only 14 so I wondered he would've done at a young age.

"How?!" I whisper yelled. Maddy couldn't hear this.

"For sexually harrasing Magan. Magan Farly. She's my bosses daughter. She took it very harshly....only if Hayes said it was a dare I don't believe him. You can be friends with him....but don't let Maddy do anything with him. He's bad." I nodded and went down to my room. How would I keep this from Maddy?

**end of flashback**

I've kept it from her a year...but now.. I have the feeling of telling her. It hurts me to see her like this. Now its on and off with guys. Shawn. But its good Ik Shawn is good. I won't beat him up.


-Hayes's pov-

My year last year was rough. I was arrested for sexual harrasment and going near the girl when she pressed charges.


I was texting my friend Megan Farly . As I was, she said she loved me. It was awkward for a second but I said something that I regret.

I mocked the news report the guy was in. It was disgusting Ik....but I was stupid at 14.

But I put it in my own perverted words. I don't want to explain what I said though. It was really bad. So bad she moved. To another country. I t was a little dramatic but whatever.

**end of flashback**

I can't tell Maddy....if I do...the girl of my dreams will be lost forever.

I think I.....

That I love her.


Oh my josh....he said he loved her?

Oh and by the way.... SEXUAL HAREASSER?! Pshhh okay booboo.

I don't know about it so far....but I'll keep going.


Meet Me In The Cages~ Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now