Ch. 36

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-Shawns pov-
I woke up next to Maddy who looked scared.

"Hey Maddy. Wake up." I said.
"Huh?" She groaned.
"You looked scared. Are you okay?" She sat up and just hugged me and started crying.
"No. My life is screwed up. I didn't want any of this to happen. Hayes, you and me. Everything." She said between cries.

"Maddy it's okay...deep breaths. Shhhh." I stroked her hair to calm her down.

"Hey Shawn-" Matthew said coming in.
"Yeah?" I asked still holding her. She was in a stressful moment.
"I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me. We are running low on food." He said. I nodded.
"Give me a minute." I said.
He left.

" wanna go shopping?" I asked.
She nodded in my shoulder.

"Maddy-" Hayes said barging in.

She lifted her head up as he opened the door.

"Get out." I said.
"No I have to talk to her." Hayes said walking towards her.

"Hayes. I'm done with this." She said sitting towards him, who was squatting to her level.
"Done with what."
"All of this shit that you pull. You say 'I'll never do it again.' And next thing you know you do it again. Is it because I don't please you?" She yelled. I was surprised. So was Hayes.

"You're perfect-" she cut him off.
"Or is it because I don't have sex with you? Because you know damn well that every girl you've dated told me that you guys had sex." She yelled and then told a big breath after. She let tears slip a little more. He reached to touch her hand. This was an awkward state for me.

"Don't touch me you-you man whore." She said.
"Now you can get out." I said and he glared at me and left.
"I would be glad to go shopping with you." She said.

She went into the bathroom to get dressed.

"Starbucks first?" I asked she nodded excitedly.

We got to Starbucks and we ordered.

"Carmel ribbon crunch please. And for him a mocha frappé. Both grandes." She said to the girl. I was surprised.

"Here you go." The lady said.

We got back to my car and drove to Wally World.

-Maddys pov-

"Omg! Shawn mendes!!" A girl screamed I held onto Shawn. He laughed and ran to hide since the girl who yelled wasn't looking.

We hid in the fitting rooms.

Walmart is fancy these days.

"AHHHHH" a bunch of girl screamed past the fitting rooms.

"Ok I think we are good." Shawn said.

We got out and went to the skateboard section.

"Oo I like this one I said picking one up that was a penny board and it was and American flag." And he laughed.

"It'd be better with a Canadian flag...but It looks sick with the American!" He said looking at it.

I bought it for 5o dollars.

We went home and Hayes was still there but outside with his basketball.

"Maddy just walk past." Shawn said holding me hand and leading me to the door.

"Hayes!!" I heard a girl scream coming out of our cabin.

"Hey babe." He said grabbing her waist. He saw me and his eyes turned soft. Then he looked back at the girl.
"Can you give me a tour of your room?" She asked. I overhear things a lot..that's the weirdest thing I've heard said in a sexual voice.

"Can we just play basketball?" Hayes asked.
"Shawn wanna play one on one? You girls and watch." Shaw said sure and I sat on top of the truck.

"So are you Maddy?" She asked in a bitchy voice.
"Yeah. And are you the slut?" I knew her. Her name is Vanessa. Hayes' ex but now girlfriend.

"No...but I heard you're a whore." She said looking at her nails.
"Never believe the stuff you hear." I said smirking at my phone knowing what she was going to say next.
"But you heard was a slut." She said looking at me.
"I didn't hear. I saw. Now if you could excuse me i want to sit here in peace." I said sitting looking at Shawn beat Hayes' ass at basketball.

"Rude." She said under her breath.

"I win....come on Maddy lets get back into the cool air inside.
He went inside and he kissed me and sat on the couch.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom." Shawn said. I took a breath and nodded.

"Unbelievable." Hayes said walking in.
"What?" I asked standing up.
"You." He said.
"What?" I asked more questionable.
"Why Shawn?" He asked.
"Why the slut?" I asked with my hands in my hips.
"Because I need to get my mind off you." He said looking down.
"Don't cause u can't get you off my mind." He looked up surprised.

"Really?" He said stepping forward.
"Yeah....thinking of how your ass is going to get beat." I said and I brushed past him.
"But Maddy..." He said holding my arm.
"I love you... I truly do. But you ruined it. You make me feel unloved. You made me feel like I'm doing everything wrong right now." He looked at me saying sorry and he kissed me.

"Hayes?" I heard Shawn say. Hayes pulled away for a second.
"Shawn go away." Hayes said kissing me against the wall. I couldn't move.
"No. Who is that?" Shawn said trying to budge Hayes from me.
I wasn't even kissing back or holding onto him.
He budged.

"Hayes what the fuck?! Why were you kissing Maddy?" Shawn said pushing him.

"Guys stop I don't want any fights." I said wiping my lips.

"Guys!" I yelled. They were throwing punches. I decided to be brave and break it up.

Dear Jesus...please don't let me die.

I ran in the middle and tried my best to Hold Shawn back and switched from Hayes to Shawn.

Hayes swung and I know he didn't mean to hit me. I fell to the ground and they stopped.

I wasn't knocked out. Only hurt.

"Oh my gosh Maddy I'm so sorry!" Hayes said picking up my head to look at it. Shawn ran to get a wet towel.

"Here." Shawn said turning away. He doesn't like to see blood.

"Stay still." Hayes said getting closer for a better look. He dabbed it and I winced in pain. He blew on it.

He put a bandage on it and he picked me up and sat me on the couch.

"Do you feel dizzy or anything?" Hayes asked in pure daddy moment.
"No." I said groaning.
"Here. Hold this on it. It'll help the swelling." He gave me an ice pack.

"Thanks." I said as he was walking away.
"You're welcome." he said not turning around.

"Hey you okay?" Shawn said walking up to me." I nodded and he kissed my forehead. And then I fell asleep.

Today wasn't even long. I probably got up lAte. Oh well.

Here you go babes!!


Meet Me In The Cages~ Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now