Ch. 48

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-Maddys pov-
"You obviously fucking know..." Hayes said putting the doughnuts down and looking at me.

"He-he told me about the past and how me and sam were meant to be...I said no because me and you are together. And I- I don't want anything different." I said crying and looking up at him.

"Babe. Come here." He said. "Every thing will be alright. trust me" he concluded. He hugged me and kissed my head.

I nodded.

"What'd he say?" Hayes asked.
"He asked me if I remembered what he said when we were 7 and 9 and I said no and he kept going and him kissed then...I regret it so badly. He said 'meet me in the cages' and if anyone says that to me I'll cry. I don't care who you are but I'll cry." I said and laughed and sobbed.

"Babe. I'm sorry." He said.

"It's fine. It's just really hard to take in. You know?" I said and wiped away my tears.


(5 days later)

"See you later today babe. Have a good day at work." I said and kissed his cheek. Hayes walked out the door and he went off to his work with his dad.

Everything that happened a week ago wasn't cool what so ever.     I thought.

I lied in bed and put in ear buds.

I put on Beethoven.

I listened to the sorrow of the violin and the beauty of the piano.

My eyes got heavier by the second and I soon fell asleep.


Hey guys I might be stopping this book at 50.

I don't have time to do 60. Sorry loves!

Next sequel is coming up fast! Be ready.


Meet Me In The Cages~ Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now