28. Detention

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As Sirena,Hort and Hester made their way to Lesso's office, they kept thinking what Lesso wanted to speak to them about...

"I wonder what Lesso wants..."

"I dunno. You don't think she knows about the Blue Forest thing do you?"

"It's impossible for Lesso not to find out..."

"Indeed it is..." Lesso said as she opened her door.

The three froze, they knew they were dead.

"Sit. Now!" Lesso said

The three of them darted over to the chairs in front of Lesso's desk. The door to the office closed by itself... spooky

"Wtf? Lesso didn't even use her finger glow? " Hort whispered, still having a terrible rash on him...

"Enough!" Lesso yelled.

"So... did you all enjoy your little adventure the other night?" Lesso asked rhetorically. She was pissed, and they knew it. Except for Hort...

"It was actually really fun!!! Until the poison Ivy..." Hort said. Hester rolled her eyes and smacked Hort on the head..

Hort got the message: shut up!

"Now... where to begin... you do realize sneaking out after curfew is against the rules. Not to mention you all entered the Blue Forest, Lied to Professor Yuba, and then assumed I wouldn't find out!" Lesso was getting more and more irritated.

"You all except Hort will have detention with me all day. Starting tomorrow, after breakfast, until Dinner time..." Lesso said.

"That's not fair! Hort came with us also!" Sirena blurted out.

"Hort will spend the day with Professor Dovey as her assistant. He will also required to be dressed in ever attire..." Lesso said.

Hort went pale at the thought of being an ever... Hort had been sent to the Doom Room so many times, he doesn't feel pain. For example, he could literally break his arm. the bones would still break, but he would never be in pain Lesso didn't feel like dealing with him during detention, because all he would do is sleep...

Sirena and Hester covered their mouths to keep them from laughing!!! Hort was miserable already...

"I expect to see you two tomorrow after breakfast. Hort I expect to see you with princess sparkles tomorrow! SCRAM!" Lesso yelled, and the three of them bolted out of Lesso's office so fast, they almost left skid marks on the floor...

"Uuuugh fuck me!" Hort moaned.

"We will be stuck with Lesso.. all..day...!" Hester said.

"You know , it won't be that bad if you think about it." Sirena said

"Wait... do you have a crush on Lesso?" Hester said

"A small one..." Sirena said.

"Lesso is such a bitch! How do you have a crush on her?!" Hort said.

"Well, one, she's really good at her job, and she doesn't take any crap from anyone, and she keeps her students wanting to be bigger and stronger villains... none of the other professors want us to be better.... " Sirena explained.

"That's true! But she's still a bitch!" Hort said..

As the three of them came to their dorms they said goodnight and went their separate ways, dreading tomorrow.

A/n : hey everyone! umm I don't know what to put....

K byeeeee!

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