33. A Night To Remember

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Weeks and weeks had passed and the students had finished their end of year exams. Everyone bought fancy new clothes and even Lesso decided to go shopping for herself!!!

Sirena went to visit Atlantis one morning.
She found the most beautiful dress: it was her mother's dress from when she was her age. It fit her perfectly!

( something like this, or whatever you want )

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( something like this, or whatever you want )

Hester wore a cool looking dress that showed off her tattoos !!!

Hester wore a cool looking dress that showed off her tattoos !!!

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Dot wore something that reminded her of chocolate ( of course)

Hort wore some kind of sexy Pirate outfit. He even stole a black eyeliner pencil and drew some chest hairs on himself ( poor thing).

Everyone was at the ball waiting for Sirena. Even Lesso was at the ball looking around the room , wondering where Sirena was.

Sirena unfortunately was super nervous about being all dressed up....

Hester asked Lesso if she had seen Sirena. Lesso snuck out and went up to Sirena's dorm to check on her.

Lesso came into Sirena's room and knelt down to Sirena, who was in her dress sitting in the ground, sobbing. She covered her face when she saw Lesso.

"Talk to me , what's wrong." Lesso calmly spoke.

" I look horrible and I smell like rotten fish! I can't do this!" Sirena said

Lesso chuckled.

"Look at me.the Evers look horrible: all their perfume and their hair that looks like a show poodle. You my beautiful pearl are stunning!" Lesso said .

Sirena smiled at the beautiful comment...

"Now, let's get you cleaned up..." Lesso said as she helped Sirena off the floor. She waved her finger glow and a purple smoke cloud surrounded Sirena. When the cloud cleared, Sirena's dress was clean, her hair and makeup was done. And she smelled like Lesso's perfume..

"This smell seems familiar... hmm" Sirena thought trying to figure out where she had smelled this fragrance. She looked at Lesso who smiled.

" it's your perfume!!! I'm wearing your perfume!! It probably costs a billion dollars! Thank you so much! " Sirena said as she gave Lesso the biggest hug.

Lesso teleported the two of them to the ball room. She opened the door for Sirena and the room went dead silent. Everyone was in awe of how beautiful Sirena looked!!!

" I told you you're gorgeous." Lesso whispering Sirena's ear. Sirena blushed and walked over to her friends . They spent the evening Socializing, dancing, eating and even a little drinking.

Hort was completely drunk and was dancing his heart out! It was hilarious! Hester let her demon out to fly around and light the chandeliers(with Lesso's permission of course. The lights dimmed and slow dancing music was played. Sirena froze, as everyone had a dancing partner.

"Will you dance with me?" Lesso came up behind Sirena and took her hand.

Sirena was speechless and she nodded. Lesso was an amazing dancer. The night could not have gone better. Lesso held Sirena close and looked deeply into her eyes. Sirena swore she saw Lesso's eyes sparkle for a second.

After dancing the night away . All the students had left and went back to their dorms. Lesso was the only one in the room. There was trash everywhere , confetti covered every inch, it was a mess. It would take hours to clean this up. But what nobody knew, was that Lesso knew a spell only she knew; not even the schoolmaster or even Dovey knew the secret spell....She smirked and waved her finger glow and within seconds the room was back to normal: floor was swept and clean, decorations were put away, trash was picked up and thrown away. The room was spotless.

Back in The School for Good, the Ever professors were cleaning up the huge mess, they were literally there all night. It looked like a unicorn exploded .

Back at the School for Evil

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Back at the School for Evil. Lesso smiled and went back to her dorm for curfew checks. All the students were tucked away in bed fast asleep...

Lesso finally made it to her dorm. She took off her heels and all her makeup. She took a nice hot bath with candles and bath salts to relax.

Tomorrow all the students would be leaving for break. Her and Dovey would have the entire schools to themselves. No paperwork, no students, no stress. ...

A/n: sorry it's a long chapter... anyways, I'm gonna wrap this story up.

K byeeee!

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